I love you jerk

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Mina's POV

You almost fell a sleep in Harry's arms when suddenly the door bell woke you up. You looked next to you and saw Harry was a sleep already, you softly shook him but he didn't wake up. You looked at your watch and saw it was 3 o'clock in the night. You stood up, making sure you didn't make any noise. You quick pulled your shirt on and walked downstairs. Harry wouldn't mind if you opened the door, right? You opened the door and you were surprised. Danny and a girl were standing at the front door, he was grinning widely. The girl had light brown hair till her shoulders and a whole lot of makeup on you noticed. She wore plain jeans with a tight shirt. Suddenly you felt Harry's arms wrapped around your waist as he stood behind you. You gave him a quick kiss on his lips. ''Hey man.'' Harry greeted Danny and let him and the girl in. The four of you sat down in the living room as Danny and Harry started talking a bit. ''I'm Chloe by the way.'' The girl said. ''Hi Chloe.'' You said and nodded smiling at her. ''Heard a lot about you Chloe.'' Harry winked at her. Did Chloe just blush? ''We were bored so I thought I'd stop by Harry. Didn't knew you were here also.'' Danny said quick and blsuhed slightly. Was it just you or did that sound a bit insulting? ''Well I can also go home.'' You said slightly annoyed with Danny's remark and walked up to Harry. You leaned down to give him a kiss before you would leave but he pulled you down in his lap. ''I want you to stay.'' He whispered in your before he gave you a long kiss on his lips. Danny got annoyed apparantly because he suddenly grabbed the girl by her waist and began kissing her. Was he just tipsy or just being a jerk? You didn't really knew Danny like this, but then again you barely knew him. You coughed loudly, stopping Harry's and both Danny's kiss. ''So..'' You began awkwardly as you were seated in Harry's lap. ''Let's play truth or dare.'' Danny said mysteriously. You looked at Harry and he nodded his head in agreement. ''And if you don't do a dare, you have to put one clothing item off!'' Chloe yelled enthustiac. You couldn't help but think she was staring at Harry. You probably were just over protective. Everyone looked at you for approval. ''I guess we'll be playing truth and dare then.'' You shrugged your shoulders and Harry smirked at you. Harry stood up and made some room so the four of you could sit in a little cirkle. ''I'll begin.'' Harry said cheeky, he still hadn't put his shirt on from earlier. ''Chloe, truth or dare?'' He asked her. ''Hmm, dare!'' She giggled. ''Snog Danny's ear.'' He smirked. Chloe first had her doubts but then she came closer to Danny and snogged his ear. You tried to hold in your laugh but Harry clapped his hands and chuckled loudly. When she was done, she looked a bit embarassed for snogging Danny's ear. ''Okey my turn! Mina, truth or dare?'' She asked. ''Truth.'' You decided to not choose dares since they would only be dirty. Chloe looked quite annoyed by your answer but tried hide that. ''Have you ever given Harry a blowjob?'' She asked blunt. ''What's that for stupid question?'' You said a bit mad, rolling your eyes at her. ''You have to answer!'' She replied a bit mad back. You didn't appreciate her tone. Was this girl really interested in your and Harry's sex life? You looked to Harry and he just shrugged his shoulders. ''Fine. And no I have not given him a blowjob.'' You said a bit more shy now. She grinned madly but you continued the game. ''Chloe. Truth or dare?'' She thought for a second but then grinned. ''Dare.'' Acting all tough huh? ''Run into a wall.'' You muttered annoyed but she heard you. ''Yeah I don't think I'm doing that.'' She said as she pulled her shirt of. She sat down in her bra and jeans. You glanced at Harry and noticed he was checking her out. She figured too and laughed playfully. Why did this feel wrong? ''Harry, truth or dare?'' She said with her sweetest voice. ''Dare.'' He smirked. ''Kiss Danny.'' She grinned and received a loud chuckle from Harry. ''I rather take off my jeans instead.'' He pulled down his jeans and left himself in only his boxers. Chloe was defenitely staring so you didn't even bother glancing at her. Anyone would stare at Harry's amazing body. After a while of asking eachother stupid dares, Danny and Harry were left in their boxers, Chloe in her boxers and you sat there in your denim shorts and bra. You once tried out a dare from Chloe, you should know her well enough it was something stupid you wouldn't do so you had to take off your shirt. Chloe was constantly glaring at Harry and touching him when she joked. It shouldn't annoye you that bad but it did. You wanted to rip her hair out at the moment but you remained calm. Harry was yours, you knew that he wouldn't cheat on you with her. ''Chloe, truth or dare?'' Danny said as it was his turn. ''Dare.'' She replied. ''Give Harry a lapdance.'' He smirked with his dare. Was she seriously gonna give Harry a lapdance? Or better yet, would he accept that? She didn't even hesitate before she made Harry sit on the sofa and grinding up sexually to him. Danny smirked at her courage and grabbed his phone. He put on the song Belly Dancer by Akon and watched concentrated on Chloe's every move. Did he seriously check out his supposed girlfriend giving his friend a lapdance? When the song was finished she didn't even pull away from him. Harry was the one who stood up a bit dizzy and sat down in the circle. ''That was pretty hot.'' Harry said a bit awkward. The whole time he didn't say one word to you. ''Tell me 'bout it.'' Danny let out a deep breath, trying to cover the obvious bulge in his boxers. You just looked a bit shocked. Harry was acting like an complete jerk

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