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Mina's POV

''I'm afraid I've already fell.'' Zayn whispered softly. The only thing that could be heard right now was the wind and your uneven heartbeat. You cleared your throat and looked the other way. ''Harry is waiting.'' You said quickly and walked towards Harry's house. You heard Zayn sighing behind you but luckily he didn't say anything. How could he just casually tell you he had fallen in love with you? The two of you walked in silence but suddenly you stopped right in front of Harry's door. ''Harry don't need to know about this.'' You said shortly, you were talking about the kiss and the love confession. ''Sure.'' Zayn said and smiled weakly. You rang the bell and a tired Harry opened the door and you two walked in. ''So did Zayn thank you properly?'' Harry asked with a silly grin on his face as he layed down on the sofa. Your eyes widened and you felt your heart pounding in your neck? Did he knew? ''Ofcourse man.'' Zayn said quickly and laughed along with Harry. ''I, I'm erm going to bed.'' You said and excused yourself. Before Harry could even say something, you walked upstairs. You put on one of Harry's shirts and some undies as you crawled under the covers. You didn't hate Zayn or anything near that, but right now you couldn't be with him and Harry in the same room. Zayn was probably confused since there are lots of things going on and stuff, he probably just search for any type of comfort. You shut your eyes and quickly fell a sleep.

Suddenly you felt two arms wrapped around your waist and soft kisses pressed to the back of your shoulder. ''Mmmh.'' You mumbled smiling. ''Ssh, go back to sleep baby.'' You heard Harry's voice. You snuggled yourself even closer into him as you continued your sleep.

The sun was shining through the dark curtains of the room and your eyes blinked a few times. Harry's arms were still wrapped around you, making it hard to escape his firm grip. You grinned at the sight of such an innocent Harry. ''Baby..'' You whispered as you placed a few kisses on his jawline. ''Hmmpf.'' He muttered and pulled you even closer to him, making it hard to breath. You laughed as you pushed yourself away from him. As you pulled away, Harry had woke up. ''Baby come back.'' He muttered as he pouted slightly. ''I'm gonna take a shower.'' You said and gave him a quick kiss before you walked to the bathroom. When you were done, you walked back into the room and saw Harry sitting up straight in bed, leaning against the headboard. ''Don't we have school today?'' You asked confused as you rummaged through your bag for some clothes. ''Yeah but I called the principal and explained Zayn's situation and everything so he told it was okay to take this week off to set everything right.'' Harry explained and you nodded. ''Zayn told me about your plan.'' Harry said and you turned around to him. ''And?'' You asked nervously. What if Harry didn't want Zayn moving in with you?

Harry's POV

''And?'' Mina asked nervous. ''I think it's a good idea to be honest.'' You said and shrugged your shoulders and Mina sighed in relief. ''Turn around.'' She said as she grabbed her clothes from her bag. ''Why?'' You asked and smirked at her as her face flushed red. ''Because.'' She said and you obeyed as you hid your face in the covers. You had seen your girl multiple times naked, yet she still wasn't comfortable with changing around you. She was beautiful in your opinion but if she didn't feel comfortable enough, you would give her all the time to adjust. ''Done.'' She said and you felt the bed dunk in as she layed down next to you. She pulled the covers away from your head and your eyes met her beautiful ones. She just wore an oversized jumper with bare legs. ''You look beautiful.'' You said to her as you tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. ''I haven't even put on my makeup yet silly.'' She said nervously as she fumbled with the sleeve of her jumper. ''Exactly.'' You said smiling. She smiled sweetly at you before she layed down in your arms. Her back pressed against your bare abs. ''Should we get Zayn moving in with you today?'' You asked Mina as you softly played with her dark hair. You felt her tense against your stomach as you said that. ''Isabella is still there.'' She said and turned to you with worried eyes. ''What are we gonna do about Isabella?'' She asked, she was scared of Isabella and you didn't blame her. The night you went to visit her, the girl was pissed drunk. She even had tried to kiss you but you wouldn't tell Mina that, she would just get more worried. ''I don't know.'' You said honestly and Mina sighed as she turned her back on you again. 

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