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Frank, Hazel, Piper and Jason stared at each other, not speaking a word, as if Percy would Iris-message them again saying, "Just kidding! I fooled you didn't I?" with a goofy grin. But as the minutes dragged by it became clear that he wasn't going to call back. So they sat there, in his cabin, unable to accept what was going on. Piper and Hazel held hands, trying to draw comfort from each other, but only meeting twin mirrors of despair. Hazel opened her mouth, but then the door of Percy's cabin flew open, and the kid that stood framed in the dying light didn't even blink at the sight of them huddled together.

"It's Annabeth! Come quick!" He gasped, then turned and ran out. They all looked at each other, unsure if they wanted to see. Because if she really was dead, then Percy was serious. Then they'd both be dead. Hazel choked down a sob, then stood, legs trembling, heart pounding. Frank got up, offering his shoulder for Hazel's support. She leaned against him gratefully, then they both walked out of the cabin, their friends following. Hazel glanced back and fought back her tears. The Seven were now the Four.

They followed the herd of campers to the bonfire pit. Everyone looked confused; they were wondering where her body had come from. They knew she left a few days ago, and maybe they thought the gods had brought her body back for a hero's burial. A silver shroud with a beautiful henna design of an owl lay in the pit, and that was when they knew. Percy was telling the truth. Hazel and Piper's hands flew to their mouths in unison, and Jason gave a strangled gasp. Frank hugged Hazel, trying to ignore his own blurring vision and pained heart. He had looked up to Annabeth and Percy. A shadow fell over them, and Hazel looked up to see Chiron, who just said, "I know," in response to their questioning looks, then walked away. His hooves dragged and his tail hung dejectedly. Annabeth was like his daughter, and her death had hit him hard. It had hit everyone hard. Hazel looked around, seeing the Athena children huddled together with red eyes. Even the Ares campers looked saddened. Annabeth had played an important role in the camp. Just then, Chiron stamped his foot half-heartedly, the sound dying before it could even echo. Nevertheless, all the campers fell silent, gazing at the terribly beautiful shroud.

"Today, we lost an incredibly important and cherished camper. Annabeth Chase is no longer with us, but we wish her the best in Elysium," Chiron said, but was unable to continue. He turned and lit the fire. Hazel sobbed as the first flames licked the shroud.

"Can I say something?" Jason asked suddenly. Chiron nodded. Standing up, Jason wiped his eyes and took a breath.

"Annabeth is - I mean was - the smartest person I knew," his voice wobbled at his mistake. "She was the person I looked to for guidance and advice on the Argo II, and I'm sure everyone has asked her for help with something at least once. She had a strong spirit. It's truly cruel that she was taken from us so soon. She will be missed." Jason sat down, his lip trembling. They reached an unspoken agreement not to mention Percy. Piper stood up next, not even wiping away her tears. The trails they left shone in the light from the fire.

"Annabeth was my best friend. She was like a mother to some, counselor to others, and teacher to yet others. She had a long life ahead of her with Percy, and that was cruelly taken away from her-" she had been about to say by my mom, but she held it back at the last second. Because after all, hadn't Aphrodite said that she'd "make their love lives interesting"? She sat down abruptly and Frank quickly stood up. It was a good thing he and Hazel had decided to visit Camp Half-Blood for a week. Or maybe it was a bad thing, depending on how you looked at it.

"Annabeth was someone I could ask for help without being judged. I could tell her anything and she'd understand. She always tried her best to help, no matter what. And that's something everyone should do, but sadly, she was one of the few who possessed that quality. And I admired her, and I aim to be like her, but she herself will be mourned. Her death was tragic but we'll remember her for the rest of our lives. She was a true hero." Frank's voice broke and he sat down, covering his face with his hands. His shoulders shook ever so slightly. Hazel stood up next, squeezing his shoulder.

"I miss Annabeth even now, even having a hard time believing that this is real, that this is happening. Annabeth always seemed so indestructible, so sure of herself. And now she's gone, and I'm not quite sure what do with myself. She was my friend. She was an asset, no, she was more than that. She was the smartest camper, the most dedicated. And we will miss her." Hazel sat down, crying, and some of the other Athena campers stood up to say some words, but it all just sound like buzzing. Hazel leaned on Frank and Piper leaned on Jason. They watched glassily as the fire devoured the last of the shroud, the flames reflecting in their eyes. The last scrap of the shroud curled and blackened, turning to ash, and she was gone. Suddenly, the shadows amongst the trees coalesced, and Nico stepped out, looking frantic. He ran forward then stopped suddenly as he saw what was going on. His shoulders slumped. "Oh," he said, voice small, "you already know." He walked over to Hazel, hugging her, asking if she was okay. She gave a small sob as answer. He gathered the straggling remainder of the Seven and said something awful. "I felt something strange a little bit ago. It's Percy. He didn't die, but he's not himself. I think Poseidon changed him, or something, I don't know-" he broke off, shaking his head.

"We already know, Nico. He told us his plan," Hazel said gently. They decided unanimously not to tell Nico that Percy was the one who had killed Annabeth.


They were the only ones who knew Percy's secret, and they weren't going to tell anyone. At times, it was all they could do to restrain themselves from unloading their burden, their secret, onto someone else, but they knew they had each other for when times got hard. Hazel and Piper relied heavily on each other for support, especially after Aphrodite tried her best to disown Piper; she hadn't liked Piper's accusation - Piper had confronted Aphrodite about Percy and Annabeth.

"I know you had something to do with Percy killing Annabeth," Piper had yelled bluntly, after storming Mt. Olympus. Aphrodite had stopped lounging in her throne and snapped shut her compact, dropping it in her cup-holder with a perfectly manicured expression of surprise.

"Whatever are you talking about dear? I had nothing to do with anything," Aphrodite had replied, projecting innocence upon her face.

"Cut the crap, Mom. You said yourself that you'd make their love lives "interesting" which means "tragic" when applied to you. And what screams "tragic" more than Percy killing Annabeth himself?" Piper had yelled. Aphrodite had rolled her eyes and said, "I may have dabbled a little, but that's none of your business!" From there, it had gotten a lot uglier, ending with Aphrodite attempting to disown Piper, who had walked haughtily out of Mt. Olympus with a middle finger raised. That's also why her hair was now big and blonde, creating an odd contrast with her Native American complexion.

As Frank, Hazel, Jason and Piper grew up, the pain had numbed, but they still felt it, fresh and sharp, at random times. They always remembered their beloved friends, including Leo, whom they still sub-consciously waited for. They were still hoping he'd come back when Piper and Jason had their wedding, and likewise with Frank and Hazel's wedding. They gave up on Leo when they sent their children to Camp Half-Blood for the first time; Piper and Jason's twin boy and girl, one blond, the other with bright blue eyes. Frank and Hazel had one girl, with chubby cheeks and slanted eyes. Those kids grew up hearing stories about three of the greatest heroes of all time, never tiring of hearing about the brave Flaming Valdez, loyal Seaweed Brain, and intelligent Wise Girl.




*wipes away tear* oh who am I kidding, I'm sobbing. I love you guys for reading this story!

A/N le number 2: why did i do this i feel sad all over again. that really was a wild ride wasn't it

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