Episode 8

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Lucifer found that there was energy being pulled into his body by the pain, sorrow, and fear that people were giving him by his jumping out the window. Tears still fell from his eyes as he flew through the air, yet he didn't bring his wings out. He just flew through the air, and watched the ground become closer and closer, and he noticed, how soft it looked from up here. 

He seemed to smile at the thought of taking the burden of his presence away from them. He thought, no, he knew that he deserved the worst possible outcome of everything, he deserved to be in this much pain for disobeying his King, his people, for disobeying everything, becoming a rebel, a cocky, arrogant bastard, someone who thought he could take over the world and just get away with it. He just thought that he couldn't ever be forgotten again. 

It pained him to see how much he had changed, from an angel, to a fallen angel, to a nothing. He deserved to be treated cruelly, to be hurt, hit, stabbed over and over and over, to get nothing but what he's been getting all in the past year. 

But now, he tried to run away, and he got hurt. He got what he deserved, but it didn't feel like it was enough. He felt he needed more. It seemed to give him some sort of sick pleasure to give in, and watch his own self destruction, the wearing away and tearing apart of his body shell. 

He smiled, watching the ground jump up to meet him. 

He always knew that he never would've had long to live, living the way he was living. He would've eventually gotten a long-term disease, something like diabetes, he would've gotten a heart-attack, or something worse. He might've gotten a blood clot of some sort, he could've just killed himself by the way he was living. He never got to see the light of day, he slept in a box, for Pete's sake! That wasn't good for his bones and muscles, he's hardly gotten the chance to shower, much less wash his hands!

He constantly was laying, awake at night with insomnia because he couldn't get his over-worrying brain to shut the hell up. He couldn't stop thinking about his own demise, how easy it would've been for him to just take a gun and shoot himself. To jump off a bridge, to slit his wrists, drown himself, suffocate himself, or, something that seemed to have happened often, just not eat, and starve himself!

But he couldn't. 

He couldn't because he was a coward. 

He was nothing but a fool, just being able to do nothing but watch everyone look at him like the disgusting piece of crap that he was. 

The wind whistled in his ears, and that was all he heard, other than the gasps, the cries, and the flapping of his hospital gown as he flew through the air, his hair hitting his face, smacking him, making his eyes tear up slightly. But he smiled anyways, and it made him look slightly sadistic, and psychopathic. 

But he didn't care, because no one would care in a few seconds. 

Soon, he watched the scenery turn a light shade of grey, and everyone fell to the ground. He heard the scream of Satan, and the metal armor of Emelia the hero. His eyes widened, and he turned around. His eyes widened, and he flapped his arms around randomly, telling Maou to leave him be, but Maou only grew closer because if the added body-weight of turning into Satan. 

Then, when was no more than half a centimeter above the ground, everything froze. 

His eyes widened even more, if possible, but he couldn't move very much. He had lost the momentum that he was building up from falling, so he knew no matter what, when time had started again, that he'd just fall onto the ground with nothing more than a concussion. 

Everything seemed to be frozen in time. He watched everything, and soon, he broke free from the invisible shackles keeping him in that uncomfortable position. But one thing he noticed, was that Satan was gone. He fell to his knees, and suddenly, Satan appeared right next to him, a solemn look him his eyes. 

"I'm not going to let you die, you fool." He said simply. 


"Because," He started. "You're more useful that you appear to be. You are still quite loyal, even after what had happened, and you seem to know more about this world than Ashiya, Suzuno, Emelia and I, so I don't want to lose you. But that's not the only reason," He paused, probably for effect, Lucifer thought. "Another reason I don't want to lose you is because I would feel guilty." He fell back to his human form as he said that. 

"Not only are you a good, no, great general, but you're loyal, and you're fun to be around. I find it quite amusing that you've gotten so attached to this human world, yet you were so willing to kill anyone and everyone in the other world. 

"You're a good person, you're not horrible, Lucifer. I don't know why you're thinking that, but it's true. You're great. You just don't know how to do much, other than, well, whatever you do all day.I find you quite an interesting part of my everyday life, and I don't think it would be the same without you."

"You know, Lucifer," Emelia's voice came from behind him. "He might be a horrible person, but he's right." "Yeah- wait- what? Hey!" Maou looked at Emelia with an annoyed look on his face. Ashiya walked into the messed up scene from the right, and Chi and Suzuno from the left. 

Ashiya walked in front of Lucifer -while Maou and Emi fought about who know's what- and he held out his hand. "Here," He said. "Take my hand, and we'll start living in better terms. While you were asleep, we managed to get a better 'place', and, well, we saved you a mattress." Ashiya looked away, telling Lucifer that it was his idea, and not exactly Maou's.

Lucifer gingerly took Ashiya's hand, and Ashiya immediately pulled him into a hug, which Lucifer was quite surprised to be in. "Don't you do that again, you idiot. For some reason, you just had me worried sick. That's the only time I'll ever admit it, you got that, you little bastard?" He now held Lucifer by his shoulders, forcing him to look into Ashiya's golden orbs. 


His eyes were filled with emotion, some relieved, some pissed, some were some other emotions that he couldn't figure out. But it made him feel, comforted, better, needed. Just like that little 'pep-talk' that Maou gave him. It made him feel better. 

Lucifer smiled, and hugged Ashiya back. "I think I'll be better soon." He replied. 

Then, he woke up. 

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