Chapter 2: A New Discovery

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I don't know how long I sat in that cell, but after a while I began to make out the faintest of outlines. I could see the rough edges of my cell, and I figured the black mass off to one side of the metal bars was my guard. I would still lose in a fight if it came down to it, but at least I wasn't completely blind anymore.

All of a sudden, I heard the metal doors opening from down the hall, and I picked up the slightest glint of light before they closed with a clang. I heard footsteps coming down the hall, and my nose picked up the scents of several wolves. The odd thing was, one of the scents was sticking out from the others. As the wolves came closer, I detected a strong scent of pine and what might have been lemon. I heard the footsteps pause for just a moment, and I heard what I thought was one of them sniffing the air.

'Now why would they take the time to scent the air?' I asked Sarah and Melanie, 'They know I'm down here already, so what's the point?'

I felt Sarah and Melanie shrug in my mind as I heard the footsteps resume. I saw the outlines of three people walk into my line of sight, and I saw the faint glimmer of goggles as they turned to look my direction.

I heard one of them suck in a breath quickly, and I heard a deep voice call out, "Mate!"

Before I knew what was going on, the door to my cell swung open and I heard footsteps racing my direction. I had no idea what was going on, so I did the only thing I could think of. I struck. I jumped to my feet and used the heavy breathing to target my kick. With my hands secured I couldn't punch or claw my way out, but I could sure as hell smash in this wolf's ribs with my legs.

I felt my foot connect with the wolf's hip area and I heard him grunt as my attack pushed him to the side. I jumped out of the way as he stumbled past me, and I heard the dull impact of his hands hitting the back wall as I put some space between us.

"I don't know what your problem is," I said as I tried to keep my breathing under control, "but I am not going to let you attack me without making you work for it."

I sensed him standing up from his position against the wall, and I saw the green glint again as his gaze turned towards me, "You thought I was attacking you?"

I hesitated for a moment. The way he had said that almost sounded, hurt, like I had said something to offend him. "Well what did you expect me to think? You came barging in here like a bat out of Hell, and I'm supposed to let you bowl me over like a helpless pin? Sorry buddy, I don't think so."

I expected a barbed response to my condescending tone, because even near blind, I could tell in an instant that this was the pack's Alpha. The power radiating off of him like a furnace told me as much. Even though I had never been a part of a pack, I knew that messing with an Alpha was not a smart choice.

The answer I got, was the total opposite. "Do you not know who I am?" His voice sounded like I had stabbed him, or killed his favorite pet. Not angry or threatening as I had expected.

I shifted slightly, not understanding his question, "What do you mean? You're the Alpha of this pack. Am I supposed to know your name or whatever?"

I heard a few gasps from the wolves outside my cell, and I felt a twinge of fear as the green light moved closer to me. I stumbled backwards until my back hit the cell's wall, and I made a half-ass growl in my throat as the light moved up until I felt his heated breath on my face.

I swallowed the fear that had lumped in my throat, forcing my breathing to remain regular as I looked up at the glowing green lenses that hovered almost a head above my own. Whoever the Alpha was, he was a very, very big guy.

"P-Please," I said in a whimper, "d-don't hurt me. I-I'll leave your territory. I'll d-do whatever you want. J-Just don't k-kill me. P-Please." I didn't care that I was trembling in terror. I was scared to the point I was about ready to piss myself. I could smell my own fear as it permeated the air, and I sensed the Alpha stiffen as I heard him sniff a few times.

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