Chapter 14: Anticipation

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Author's Note:  So here it is, the last chapter of The Dragons' Moon!  I know, I know, don't bite my head off!  I didn't want it to end either, but all books have to end at some point.  The great news is that there is going to be an Epilogue!  So don't fret just yet!  Haha, a rhyme.

Anyway, I just wanted to thank al of you for making this one of my most popular books.  It's reached almost 3K reads in five months!  That's amazing!  Thank you all for the comments and votes as well.  Some of the stuff you guys makes my book even better, because it makes the funny stuff even funnier and gives added heart to the most tender of moments.

So hang on for one last ride everyone!  The Epilog will be up before long, so this amazing book still has on last surprise in store!

See you next chapter, Ryan!!!


I groaned as I rolled over and climbed out of bed. My stomach felt like I had ten bricks hanging off of it. Oh wait, I guess it did. I couldn't help the smile that crossed my face as I ran my hands over my swollen middle.

"Yep, won't be long now." I said to myself as I slipped my robe around my body and made my way to the bathroom.

As I glanced at myself in the mirror I couldn't help but feel like I was staring at a stranger. The young woman in the mirror was a far cry from the scared teenager who had stumbled onto pack land all those months ago. Instead of bedraggled hair hanging over eyes darkened with circles and fear, there was a happy face framed by smooth brown locks that rippled and shined like molten chocolate. Gone was the scared and untrusting girl I had been. Now there stood a confident Luna and soon to be mother that could handle anything the world threw at her.

'You need to stop watching those soap opera things." Sarah joked, 'You're starting to sound like an old maid.'

I rolled my eyes at her, 'And who asked you? You were no better when Kyle put these little monsters inside us.' I mimicked her needy and desperate tone, 'Please Alpha, I need you to finish me! I can't stand this unbearable teasing!'

I felt her heating up in a blush as Melanie chuckled, 'You have to admit she's got you there fur-ball. That's pretty much what you said and you damn well know it.'

She huffed in annoyance, 'That doesn't mean you have to remind me of it every time you get the chance.'

I slipped out of my robe and into some sweatpants and a T-shirt so I could get downstairs for breakfast before everyone else woke up. I knew that Aaron had to be at a meeting this morning, so that was why I could move around without being constantly fawned over. Don't get me wrong, having a mate who tends to your every want and desire can be nice, but after eight and a half months of that it can actually get quite annoying.

I slipped my blue plush slippers on my feet and walked down to the kitchen, hoping to snag something worthy of calling itself food before the rest of the pack dragged themselves out of bed. I liked being part of a pack now, but even after living with Aaron and the rest I still had some bad habits to break. One of those was my tendency to break the offending limb if anyone seemed to be reaching for my food. I had gotten it to the point I wouldn't actually snap their arm, but there were still some wolves that would forget for a minute and try to reach for something near me without thinking. Needless to say most of the pack learned not to mess with me and food, not unless they wanted to have bruised forearms and pulled shoulder muscles.

Thankfully, as I made my way into the kitchen, I saw that the place was completely deserted. I couldn't figure out why, but for some reason being pregnant made me an even earlier riser, rather than a late sleeper. I'd wake up almost every morning before six and would have to battle with an unconscious Aaron to escape the bed. The good news was that this allowed me to eat breakfast in solitude before the others woke up, offering little chance for the aforementioned problems with food to pop up.

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