Chapter 4: A New Home

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I pulled back from the kiss, blushing like mad and breathing heavily, "Wow. Never thought a kiss would feel like that."

He smirked down at me, "Oh believe me sweet cheeks, that was only the beginning of what I can do to you."

I cleared my throat as I stepped back to arm's length, "Umm, okay. Before we go any further, I need to ask your, umm, name." I averted my gaze as my cheeks flushed for a totally different reason, "Calling you Mr. Alpha isn't going to work if I'm going to stay."

His laughter only made me blush harder, "I guess that could be a problem." He tilted my head up with a finger under my chin, making me look into his eyes as he spoke, "My name is Aaron Luminaire. Would you care to tell me yours?"

I nodded dumbly, swallowing once before speaking, "O-Olivia. My name is Olivia."

"Olivia, what?" He asked.

I shook my head slowly, "I don't have a last name. I've been alone since I was nine, and I don't want to be known by the name my father held."

His eyes darkened in confusion, "Why would you not want to bear the name your father had? Don't you want to be proud of your heritage?"

My chest tightened in anger, and I felt Melanie and Sarah stiffen in agitation at the memories we were sharing, "I'd rather not talk about it if that's alright with you."

He nodded, though I saw in his eyes that this conversation wasn't over, "Very well, I guess I'll have to show you around." The smile returned to his eyes as he pulled me against his chest again, "Though that kiss is tempting me to stay here for a bit and do it some more."

'Yes! Please kiss us again!' Sarah yelled in my mind, causing me to wince.

I shook my head slowly as his eyes flashed with worry, "Don't worry. My wolf's just being horny again."

Understanding lit up his gaze as he pecked me on my forehead, "Some other time then."

I smiled up at him as I placed my hands on top of his, "Could you let go of me now? I'd like to be able to walk without tripping over your big feet."

His eyebrows rose in surprise as I bit back a giggle, "Big feet are they?" He grinned as he leaned down and began to nibble at the base of my neck, making me squeal as he tickled me. He spoke between nibbles and licks as he smiled against my neck, "We'll just have to make it so I have to carry you. Then you won't have to worry about tripping over my big feet."

My knees buckled as he continued to tickle my neck with his mouth, and in a split second his arms fit under my knees and around my shoulders, lifting me up bridal style as he carried me over to the door.

I glared up at him playfully, "You're going to get it later."

He grinned as he opened the door and carried me into the hallway, "I look forward to it."

The next four hours were filled with so many introductions that by the time midnight came around I was about ready to fall over. The only names I truly remembered were those of Aaron's parents, his Beta, Third, and his Third's mate. Peter Luminaire was almost a carbon copy of his son, right down to the calm green eyes. However, it was from his mother, Calisto, that he got his white wolf form. Her human form was a petite woman with long brown hair and kind hazel eyes. It pained me to think about it, but she looked a fair amount like my own mother, only better fed and with more modest clothing. I tried to keep the mental images of my mother from overlaying her when I spoke to her, but it was hard.

I found out that the big, bad Beta was given the name of Susan as a child, though he quickly explained that his parents had been expecting a girl and refused to change their name choice. Most of the pack called him by his self-appointed nickname, Blaze, unless they had a death wish or knew him well enough to get away with it. Needless to say Maddy used his real name whenever he needed to be taken down a notch or two, which was often.

Aaron's Third was a slight guy, about my height and not a lot of muscle. However, Connor made up for his lack of strength with near blinding speed, both in his human and wolf forms. His short black hair matched his coal-colored eyes, and I sometimes had a hard time not staring into those deep and unquestioning depths. His mate Hanna, on the other hand, was anything but calm. Being a girl about three inches shorter than Maddy and I, she made up for her small stature with both physical and emotional fire. Her temper matched her brilliant red hair, and her bright green eyes would blaze if you got on her bad side. Some of the boys joked that each of her numerous freckles was the soul of one of the men who had pissed her off, though once I got to know her I realized that she was actually a very sensitive girl.

She was aggressive and emotional because she was insecure about her differences compared to the other pack members. Red hair was somewhat of a rarity among werewolves, at least from what I could tell, and it made her feel out of place when she was around anyone besides Connor, Maddy, Blaze or Aaron. The girls and I bonded over the next few days, and I felt some level of pride when Hanna opened up to me and welcomed me into her inner circle of friends. All and all it wasn't that bad, being part of a pack.

I slept in a guest bedroom across the hallway from Aaron's, because even though we were mates, I just couldn't bring myself to share a bed with a male, at least, not yet anyway. This drove Aaron up a wall, which was absolutely hilarious for the girls and I, though they told me I would have to give in at some point or else the urges would drive both Aaron and his wolf insane.

About a week after I joined Aaron's pack, I was blindsided by Maddy and Hanna, along with about ten guard wolves. It turned out the girls had a surprise for me, something that would shake me to my very core and would tempt my every instinct to make a break for it.

We were going shopping, and I wasn't being given a choice.

Author's Note:  Sorry for the short chapter, I had this one going on and on with no end in sight, so I cut it into two parts and put the rest with the next chapter.  This won't happen again, so please forgive me for making this one less than normal length.  Anyway, thanks for reading, and we'll get right on with the next one!

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