Chapter 12: A Shattered Heart

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Author's Note: *Gets down on knees and raises hands* I submit myself to any torture my fans deem suitable. For I have done you all a terrible injustice by leaving you on a cliffhanger for over a month. I could use finals as an out but I know that isn't enough. So, I shall listen to all of your rants, hate messages, and general flames for a full ten seconds. Feel free to rant as much as you want while I count, but please let me be once I'm done.

*Stands up with a big smile* Alright! Now that we got that out of the way, I won't keep you any longer from what you've all been so patiently waiting for. Without further ado, ON WITH THE BOOK!!!!!!!



A single sound entered the darkness that surrounded me.


It wasn't unpleasant, thought I had to wonder what it was that was disturbing my rest.


It was like the sound was lifting me up from the dark pit that surrounded me, and I could feel something soft cushioning me from behind as I began to pick up subtle scents.


The light pressure along my entire back side was becoming more tangible now, and I could now make out one of the scents as rubbing alcohol. 


I grumbled slightly as the noise began to grate on my nerves.  Whoever it was that was making that sound had better shut it or else they wouldn't live to see the next sunrise.


A deep growl escaped my throat and I forced my eyes to open so I could glare at whoever it was that woke me up.  However, as a pure white light entered through my cracked lids I winced as they shot lances of pain directly into the back of my skull.

Bee-beep, bee-beep.

I couldn't take it anymore.  Pain or no pain I was going to find out who was making all that racket.  I forced my eyes open and rolled onto my side so I could glare daggers at.....a heart rate machine.

All at once I realized where I was.  The alcohol, the ultra-soft bed I was laying on, the various machines hooked up to my left arm.  I was in the pack hospital, though how I ever came to be here was a complete mystery to me.  I rolled onto my back once more and stared up at the white tile ceiling, wondering why it was I was still alive.  The dull ache that had settled in the core of my chest told me that the battle with my late father hadn't been a dream, and the complete absence of both Melanie and Sarah only deepened the pit of sorrow I felt myself falling into once again.

I don't know how long I lay there in that room.  There weren't any windows and there wasn't a clock anywhere that I could see, so I had no way to tell the time as it seemed to drag on for eternity.

Finally, after what seemed like a lifetime, the door on my left opened, revealing the pack doctor Renée, followed soon after by my mother and sister.  It took about half a second for them to see that my eyes were open, and as a unit they closed in on me like a flock of vultures.  Had I not been too tired to care, their sudden reaction might have startled me.

"Olivia!"  Willow screamed in an even higher pitch than usual, making me wince at the volume, "You're awake!"

"Oh thank the Goddess."  Mom said as she held my hand with both of hers, "We thought we had lost you for good."

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