Chapter 7: Rogues

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I woke up feeling absolutely amazing. I rolled over in Aaron's arms and smiled at his sleeping face. Unfortunately, nature decided to call at that moment, and I grunted as I tried to get out of his grip. It was like trying to pull against a tractor trailer. Finally, I tickled his nose with the tip of my finger, and in the instant he started to sneeze, I jerked out of his grip and ran to the bathroom.

"Very funny Olivia." He called through the door.

"Hey, when you got to pee you got to pee!" I yelled back. "Next time let go and I won't have to resort to drastic measures!"

His chuckle was my only answer.

After I got out of the bathroom and managed to climb into a clean set of clothes, we walked downstairs arm in arm while the rest of the pack house began to wake up around us.

When we got to the kitchen we found a very sleepy looking Maddy huddled around a steaming cup of coffee. She didn't move an inch as we walked into the room, and before I could fathom why, I walked up and draped my arms over her shoulders.

"Good morning sleeping beauty." I said in a bubbly tone, "Having trouble getting the old brain in gear?"

The withering glare she sent me was answer enough. I stood up and walked over to the fridge, pulling out a carton of eggs and a box of bacon while Aaron stared at me like I had grown a second head.

"You can cook?" He asked in a disbelieving voice as I pulled out two frying pans.

I sent a playful glare over my shoulder at him, "So what if I can't? You're going to eat it either way so you better get used to the idea."

A little bit later Connor, Blaze and Hanna staggered into the kitchen, and I heard one of them sniff the air several times.

"Is something burning?" I heard Connor ask.

I sent him a glare over my shoulder as Aaron shook his head, "No, that's just Olivia trying to make us breakfast."

Blaze had a slightly green tint to his cheeks as he glanced over my shoulder at the food, "I'm not certain if that's food or firewood. You do realize it's cooked before it turns black right?"

I growled as I turned off the stovetop, "Fine! Some thanks I get for trying to cook you guys breakfast."

The guys chuckled while I tossed the food into the bin. "I think we'll live without it sweetheart." Aaron said as he gave me a peck on the cheek.

"Yeah," Connor said with a grin as he faked choking, "we would have been dead in minutes if we'd tried to eat that stuff." He paused mid-choke as I fixed him with one of my signature death glares. "Well, ah, I'm sure it wasn't that bad."

Blaze rolled his eyes, "Kiss-ass."

I was about to fix him with the same glare when a voice sounded in my mind, 'We've got rogues on the western border Alpha. Three females that are asking for permission to travel through our territory.'

I saw Aaron's eyes fog over as he replied, 'We'll be there in a moment. Don't let them in until I say so.'

'Yes Alpha.' With that the connection was cut.

All six of us shared a knowing glance, and in a split second we were racing out the back door and into the woods, all thoughts of breakfast forgotten.

The boys shifted almost immediately, though as I made to do the same I noticed that Maddy and Hanna weren't following. I glanced behind me and saw that a group of ten guards had surrounded the girls, preventing them from moving as they complained at the top of their lungs. I made a break for it as a group of five more tried to box me in, and I shifted into Sarah's form as I sped off into the woods. I wasn't going to miss this just because the boys thought we would be in too much danger. If Aaron though I couldn't handle myself then he had another thing coming.

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