The Mission

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It's been a few months since that day, and now I'm one of the top Proxies. Masky is back to being a very good Proxy, and is happy with what he does now. Slender has sent me on a few missions by myself, and now he thinks I'm ready to do a extra hard mission, and will be sending me out soon.

"It's time." Slender said in my head. I walked to his office, and approached his desk.

"I'm ready Master." I said to him, ready to go with my chain, which Slender gave me power to summon so that I can have it anywhere I go, and my dagger, which is hidden in my boot.

"You're going to the S.C.P. Foundation, in Siberia. You are to be recognized as an S.C.P., be captured, and then set as many SCP's free as possible. If you succeed, take a few back here with you, they'll be great allies to have." He said, then gave me some documents. "This is some information about some of the SCP's that would most likely go with you." He said as I took them. I looked through them, getting a list of 173, 1048, 096, 106, and 049. The main one I need to watch out for is 682. "You should probably make a mental note of those numbers, you're not going to be bringing those documents in there." He said next. I made a good mental note of them, and gave the documents back.

"Shall I head out now?" I asked.

"Yes, but you may leave when anytime before next week."

"Alright, I shall leave tonight Master." I said to him, and bowed.

"Before you leave." Slender said next, making me turn to him again. "Thank you for helping Masky, he's been a lot better since you've been here." He said next. I smiled back, and nodded, then left the room. I went to my room first, and made sure that I had everything, those things being my phone, a stone I use to sharpen things, and my glasses case.

I took off after that, using one of many portals that Slender has, which will lead me to Siberia right away. I went through the portal, and walked around for a little while through the wooded areas. I saw a road along my way, and saw some vehicles with weird logos on them, a thing with a circle and three inward pointing arrows inside it. This must be one of their trucks, and since their quite the distance, time to put on a show. I used more power, and gave myself some illusion tendrils, horns with some kind of halo, and got my eyes to go pure black with the white Proxy symbol in them.

I went a bit back into the woods, and waited for them to get closer. Once they were a short mile away, I threw a part of a deer carcass that I found, and went after it, to make it seem like I killed something for food. The vehicle stopped just before hitting me, and the two passengers were shocked to see me, but acted fast to shoot me with a dart gun. I acted like an animal about it, but was satisfied that my plan worked, and then fell after a minute of some fake panic. One man came and got me, throwing me into the back of their truck.

I fought back the drugs of the dart, and looked up to see another guard sitting there. He was aiming the gun at me, and I only growled at him. He seemed weary of me, and I kept my eyes on him the rest of the way. As I looked at him, I saw that he was actually kinda cute, but I can't like him, I'll most likely kill him later.

I calmed my act, and just sat there, looking at him, him looking back. I saw a name on his uniform, but it must be a nickname, it was Doritos.

"Doritos?" I asked, making him jump.

"You can talk?!" He yelled, almost dropping his gun. I nodded.

"May I ask why?" I asked him.

"Oh, um, because I did a dare to eat some Ghost Chili Doritos, and won the dare." He explained, a bit of a laugh at the end. I smiled a bit, a small chuckle from me.

"Were they good?" I asked next, they do sound tasty.

"Actually, yeah, they were. You're surprisingly calm about this."

"Well, panicking isn't going to help my situation." I answered, then the truck stopped. He looked at me with fear.

"I'll make sure they don't hurt you." He assured me. I gave him a smile.

"Thank you." I said to him next, then the door opened, and I was pulled out. I was growling about how rough they were being. I fought out of their hands, and just walked ahead of them. They were frustrated with me, but I didn't care, they're being rude.

We walked inside, and they began leading me past some cells. We walked into a brightly lit area, and I shrunk from it, refusing to leave the darkness at the doorway, to make it seem like a weakness, when it's actually a strength.

A doctor that was walking by caught onto my 'problem' and placed some sunglasses over my eyes. I thanked him, and continued with the guards. We walked past quite a few cells, seeing 173 first, going down the line to see 106, then 096, and quite a few later was 049. They placed me in a cell next to 049, and I stepped in calmly.

After a few minutes, a doctor joined me. He remained a safe distance from me, but I noticed it was the one that gave me the sunglasses. I took the sunglasses, and held them out to him. He came over with caution, and took them, saying a quick 'Thank you' and stepping back again.

"You don't have to be afraid of me." I said to him.

"And why would I trust you?"

"I only attack if I'm either hungry or if I have to. You're no threat to me, and you're not food either, so I have no reason to hurt you." I explained to him.

"I see. You are SCP-3004 just so you're aware. We are currently out of cells in that general area, so you're going to be staying near SCP-049. If you behave well, you will be helping us with experimenting."

"What kind of experimenting?"

"Well, most of the SCP's don't get contact with other SCP's, and a female one is rare." He explained. "By the way, how old are you?" He asked.

"In human years, I'd be seventeen, but in my years, I'm twenty-five and a half." I said as a lie. He raised a brow at me though. "My kind ages 1.5 times faster than humans." I said next.

"At this point, you're going to be the most well behaved SCP." He said, writing down some notes. "I was asking because depending on what SCP you get along with most, some of the other doctors might want you both to mate." He said next.

"W-....what?" I asked.

"Don't worry, the odds of that happening are very slim, and that would be more in the latter, so don't think too much on it."

"Okay, thank you for the warning though."

"You're quite welcome, I must say that I've never met and SCP with such manners."

"I'm one of the nicer of my kind. We are often times one of two personalities, and that is either the bitchy kind, or the sweet kind, I think it's easy to tell which one I am."

"Yes. You are quite nice, and you will be an excellent SCP to have here." He said to me. "We will have to talk more in the morning, sleep well." Was the last thing he said.

"You, too." I said back, and walked to the bed provided in the room. It was surprisingly comfortable, so I decided to go ahead and sleep.

"Chain, I understand that you'll most likely be there for awhile, but you need the trust of the doctors and staff, then they will give you more freedom. Be on the lookout for SCP-1048, he is a living teddy bear, and makes almost exact clones of himself with human parts. He'll be nice if you be nice, and be warned, he is class Keter." Slender said in my head before allowing me sleep.

Tomorrow is going to be a busy day.

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