NOT Gate C

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The doors opened, all of us looking at the other side with irritated expressions. What was before us was unbelievable, in a bad way at least. I growled lightly to myself. This can NOT be happening right now. This, right here, is just ridiculous! I really want to kill a bitch now, but the only bitches here are Kate and I, and last time I checked, Kate's dead and I need to stay alive for now, so that can't really work. Getting a bit off topic though. But who cares right now? I certainly don't, cause now we have to deal with this shit at Gate C.

The doors had opened to... rubble. It led to a broken down part of the facility. There's just rubble here. I sighed and looked to Kate. "Pick your poison. A or B." I said to her.

"A." She replied. I nodded and we all began to head down that way instead, a few of the SCP's glaring at me. How the hell was I supposed to know that Gate C could no longer be used? Whatever, we're still getting our freedom.

Kate went off ahead with 096, leaving me with the others. I was walking a bit behind though, feeling tired. So, the SCP's went off ahead, not too far though. I watched the ground as I walked, but looked up as I heard someone walking beside me. 

I was met with Cain, the nice man looking to me with a gentle smile. "You look tired Chain." He commented, then picked me up carefully. "I'll carry you for awhile okay? You can take a nap for now." He said next. I smiled and thanked him before closing my eyes to rest.

(049's POV)

I hope Gate A isn't far, I long to see the light of day again, to smell the fresh air, to cure the world. Though, looking around at the others around me, I noticed that we had left OX-- I mean, Chain, behind. I looked back to look for her, the others going around me. Not even a minute later, I wished that I would'ave looked back earlier. Chain was being carried by Cain.

I felt anger and hatred boiling inside me. How dare she let another man touch her?! Or even get near her?! She's supposed to be with me! The scientists here were going to have us be mates! They even knew that we belong together! Cain looked pleased with himself though, so he must have an interest in her as well. I cannot accept this.

Cain looked up at me, his blue irises locking with my silver ones. "Is something wrong Doc?" He asked as he got next to me, our one inch height difference barely noticeable, I'm just glad I'm the taller of the two of us. Back to the focus of my irritation though, I looked to Chain, feeling the urge to "cure" Cain and take my sleeping bloody angel from him. He followed my metallic gaze to her before giving a slight smirk. "She's cute for a killer huh?" He asked first, more of just to tease me I think. I growled at him, pulling out my scalpel as well. "Nuh uh uh~" He purred next. "You wouldn't want to wake her, would you?" He asked.

I looked to her sleeping face, my heart squeezing in on itself at the sight. So calm, and peaceful. I don't want to disturb that. I sighed and frowned from behind my mask. "No." I choked out quietly. He smirked and continued on with her, leaving me standing there. I don't feel the motivation to leave though, I just wish I could die now. I don't know why I feel like this all of a sudden, but needless to say, I didn't think love could be so bitter in the end.

(Chain's POV) -Later-

"Chain. Chain! Wake up!" Kate shouted, making me wake up. I glared at her a bit, but got out of Cain's arms. I looked up, seeing the words 'Gate A' above a large door. I nodded, glad that we're there now. We forced the door open and walked through. We ignored the elevator and openned the next large door, being met with a bunch of trucks.

We got a lot of them loaded onto the largest one, but I noticed something. 049 isn't here. "Kate, where's 049?" I asked her.

"What?" She asked, obviously confused. She looked at everyone, her eyes wide a bit. "I-I don't know! I thought he was here." She said next. She and I were about to go look for him, but then an announcement came on over the intercom.

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