Where Leo Belongs

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     Just so you know, I could honestly talk about this for hours. I really could. No joke. But, I'll try to keep it short.  

     There is one question that has haunted many, many Percy Jackson fans for quite a while now.

     Where does Leo Valdez belong?

     I don't just mean a place, I also mean with who. I mean, sure, he has Piper and Jason, he has friends. But when it comes to relationships, well, with Leo, you never know what to expect. There's a lot of possibilities as to where he could end up. Some are so totally bizarre and idiotic that I want to strange the person who came up with them with a brick. Here's what I think are the main options:


     I, personally, don't ship Lazel. I mean, Hazel liked Leo's great grandpa. Wouldn't it be a little awkward...? I mean, sure, age doesn't matter, but it's just... not right. That's all I think, feel free to disagree. I have stuff to back it up. Take Frazel, for example.


     First off, the name is wayyy better than Lazel.... Like, seriously. It just is. Frank needs someone. He trusts Hazel with his piece of wood. They've already been through a lot, then Leo jumps in, and BAM! Comparatively, it's like Prachel. I mean, no one wants that. I also think why a lot of people ship Lazel is because they don't like Frank. Seriously, grow up. Franks is amazing. AMAZING. I'm not saying I'd mentally date him, I'm just saying he would be a good friend. He's had a hard life, just like the rest of The Seven, and I can see why he needs Hazel and Hazel needs him. If you really think about it... It just.... I really can't put my thoughts into words. They are just as perfect as Percabeth.


     But really, everyone needs someone. Piper has Jason, Percy has Annabeth, Frank has Hazel, and Leo has.... No one. Same as Reyna. Jason found Piper. Reyna was left alone, shouldering a job meant for two people. I don't know why people hate her. She tries to delay the attack on Camp Half-Blood. And I do believe that is many of our homes. So, Reyna is trying to protect our home. Yet people hate on her. She hates Octavian just as much as we do, okay? Honestly, some people think her and Octavian will get together. I'm like, "GET BACK ON YOUR MEDS!!!" Seriously, some people's children -.-" And then, they think Leo will end up with Reyna. I think this is most likely out of all of these. I don't ship Leyna, and I don't exactly think it will happen. I mean, yeah, they could help each other out, and Leo could cheer Reyna up and stuff... But still... I think Leo should be more of the "forever alone" guy. But seriously, Reyna is the strongest person ever. I admire her. If you've got a negative opinion of her, I don't wanna hear. I don't care if she's not real, she's my role model.


     I personally think that Rick will just leave it up to us to decide who Leo goes with. Or maybe he'll meet another girl, or maybe one of the above will happen. Either way, I trust Rick.... And if something I don't like happens........................ Well, I can always sue. Ahem.

     So yeah, feel free to leave your opinion below, I respect it. And I'm also curious to know what other people think. Have a nice day :3

     ~Ahem. Rozz.

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