Nature :o

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     Nature. The most amazing thing ever. The most irritating thing ever. The thing that most people really can't decide what to think about it. I am here to tell you-

     Okay, cut the bull. 

     Things I hate in nature:



~Things that sting/bite

~Poision Ivy *shudder*

~Deadly animals... Unless they're cool :o

~Getting Hurt

~And a bunch of other crap

     Things I love in nature:


~Awesome animals (Some still deadly :o)

~Water :D :D :D

~Almost dying.... BUT THEN LIVING!!!


~"Friendly" Competitions :o That involve BLOOD!!!

 ~And a bunch of other crap I can't remember

     Really, though. I love nature. It's usually always fun. Usually. Sometimes. Especially when I'm with my cousins. Hell, I could tell you stories..... We are the weirdest people ever. Honestly. One of the funnest things was the fire in the water. And the camping trip that is yet to hapen with one cousin.... Holy crap that'll be awesome. AWESOME. Okay, I don't even know why I wrote this, I just felt like it.

     I live in a place with a lot of nature and stuff and some of it's actually pretty legit... Most of it... Except for the Poison Ivy. I fell in it one time. (It was NOT fun, don't try it at home). But I always get hurt in nature, no matter what pathetically easy crap we are doing. Just so ya know :P

     Aaaaaand, I think that's it. I know, it was freakishly short, but then again, I like short people. I make short jokes sometimes :o Kay Bye.

     ~Rozz (who is, like, 5'6"-5'7"ish and not short)

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