5 Reasons Why TWILIGHT is Better Than HARRY POTTER

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So I found this on some website, I'd like to point out how stupid this person is. They start off by saying:

 "Sometimes, I think that Twilight and Harry Potter are tied. They are both good stories, right? Recently, I have been doing a lot of thinking [Pfft, sure you have. Idiot.] and I think I like Twilight better. Below, I am going to give you 5 reasons Twilight is better than Harry Potter, in my opinion, because I know it is all a matter of preference."

Alright. Already a grammar mistake (and I make those all the time, I'm just saying.... It pisses me off when people do it trying to prove a stupid point and it makes them sound stupid) and they seem to be a little bit hesitant to admit that they like Twilight better. I mean, don't say you think, just say that you do. Yeah, it is all a matter of preference. Yours just so happens to be wrong. Okay, moving on.


Yeah, this is a pretty good reason as to why Twilight is better than Harry Potter. Each year, they didn't have to go to a school to learn their powers. They already knew their powers. However, a school for vampires would have added a cool twist to it, don't you think?"

No. No I don't think that. I do think that J.K. Rowling is making a point there, even if it isn't super obvious. She's saying that you are born able to do some things (like, for instance, Harry defeating Voldemort when he was just a baby) and other things you have to work at. That sometimes it's luck, and we can't rely on luck. And Hogwarts was kinda the whole point of the book... Honestly ._.


Yeah, sometimes, dorks are cute. However, Harry was a bit too dorky and I can't see why girls even like him. I do like the stories, but I don't really did the movies as much. However, I like both the books and movies when it comes to Twilight."

*facepalm* You obviously don't even know what dork means. Honestly. You either aren't a dork, or don't know one, or something. It's not something they try to be. It's not "cute." So maybe Harry is a "dork," but he's still done more when he was a year old then Edward could do in his extended lifetime. You're just judging people by how they look or appear, and what they act like, not by what they've done. And there's also more grammar mistakes o.o


Harry Potter is not a love story and Twilight is. Therefore, in my opinion, I believe this would make Twilight better than Harry Potter."

Idiots. HOLY MOTHER OF ZEUS ALL THE IDIOTS. J.K. Rowling can write a better love story in one chapter than Stephanie Myer can in FOUR BOOKS. Scratch that, two sentences. Actually, one word. Always. Siriously (Heh, see what I did there? XD Sometimes I just think I'm so funny when I'm really not). But really, HP characters can handle their love much better. When Edward disappeared from Bella's life, she was all like, "Oh, let's go jump of cliffs and crash motorcycles and crap so I can see his face!" Hmm, maybe a picture? When Ron disappeared from Hermione, she kept on going, because she knew she had a job to do. She didn't do dangerous stuff just to glimpse him for a moment. She was strong enough to go on without him. Edward and Bella's love story moves way too fast, even just for the first book. And it's just plain out stupid. J.K.'s books may not be centered on love or romance, but she can still make it better than Myer's without trying.


I like Twilight because it has vampires in it. I think this helps make it better than Harry Potter, don't you? Even just a little?"

NO BITCH NO NOT EVEN A LITTLE. And by the way, I assumed you had read all the Harry Potter books before you wrote this... *FACEPALM* YOU EFFING IDIOT. But really, what's so cool about vampires. The trend is over - drop it. They're just plain out stupid now. Dracula was cool, but nothing else.


Personally, I think Twilight was better than Harry Potter because it had a better story to it. Twilight always had my attention and even though I like Harry Potter, I dealt with moments of boredom."

Shut up. Just shut the hell up.

Twilight was pretty much about this girl who moves to a new school in a rainy town and meets a vampire she falls in love with. Then she gets hunted by other vampires, and everything is just sunshine and lollipops. Though I don't mind sunshine and lollipops, I hate when books feel like that. That's just in the first book.

In the Sorcerer's Stone, this kid named Harry escapes his abusive family for a short while, and discovers he has powers beyond most wizards. He goes to a school, tries hard, figures out something's wrong, gets past a 3 headed dog, kills the crazy turban dude, and saves the Stone from falling into the wrong hands, which is saving a bunch of people. And that's just some of it.

I am not even kidding, whoever wrote this is an idiot. They obviously have no sense in a good story. I could easily  counter everything they said. And I didn't even go full-out ranting on them. Just remember, it is a matter of opinion, but if you like Twilight more, your opinion's wrong.


Okay umm I didn't write the stuff in non bold, that was from a website. Here's this link, so I don't feel like I'm copy writing it: 


Aaand, that's all. Thanks ._.

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