Doctor Who Poems ;)

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  • Dedicated to You Whovians ;)

I DON'T OWN THESE. I just found them online :)

Fez's are Red

The TARDIS is Blue

 Bow ties are Cool

And so are YOU :D


Rose went away, so The Doctor is blue.

Ask Donna, "Where's The Doctor?"

She'll reply, "Doctor Who?"

Sarah, Jane, and Martha,

And now both the Ponds,

Had their fun with The Doctor,

But now they've all gone.

So ask me again, why the TARDIS is blue:

There's a sad man inside,

With both hearts torn in two.


One, Two, Three, Four, I declare a Time War..

Five, Six, Seven, Eight, the Daleks scream, "EX-TER-MIN-ATE!"

Nine, Ten, Eleven, Twelve, The Doctor died, and Silence fell.


So yeah... Not mine, but I've seen them places. I might add more later if I can find some other good ones ;)

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