Chapter 37~ Girl At Home.

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We get back to New York the next day. It's getting extremely close to Christmas and I stare at Arri as she sits on the breakfast bar doing schoolwork. As I look at her she reaches over and takes a handful of chocolate from the cookie dough.
"Oi!" I tell her and she laughs- throwing the chocolate into her mouth in quick action.
"Swizzle!?" I hear Karlie shout as she knocks the door. I run over and open the door and she walks in with a huge bag of presents.
"Hey A!" She grins at Arri who smiles back, sliding her glasses on to the top of her head.
Arri and I were still in pyjamas, and we had Christmas music playing softly from the radio across the room.
Karlie drops her bags and sits by Arri, and they both look lovingly at the cookie dough, then me, then back to the cookie dough.
"15 minutes!" I tell them, opening the oven.
"Too long!" They chorus and start to laugh at each other.
"Stop it! You're supposed to be doing that languages work then algebra!" I say to Arri who's glasses fall back down her nose as she stares into her laptop screens.
"What kind of letter is that?!" Karlie asks at the Russian work that A's working through.
"A P sound," She replies simply as Karlie mimics.
"What! That looks like an N!"
"Don't ask me, ask the Russians." Arri states as she works through it.
"Algebra!" She yells, spinning around on her chair and grabbing a new text book.
"But how? You don't translate a paragraph of a foreign language just like that! What's your secret?" Karlie narrows her eyes as she stares at Arri who looks like she's deep in concentration.
"To pay attention in classes,"
"Thanks!" Karlie smiles as Arri rolls her eyes.
15 minutes later I dish the cookies out onto a plate as Arri finishes her final piece of work.
The rest of the day is spent watching Christmas movies and opening presents. It gets to 9 and Arri sends herself to bed. I sigh as Karlie leaves and I hear the doorbell go again. No doubt she's forgotten something.
It appears not. There stands Ed. I stare in shock before he pipes up; "Taylor, are you gonna let me in or..."
"Oh god yeah, I thought you had gone back home for the holidays." I tell him and he nods, walking into the apartment.
"Taylor," He starts as we sit down on the couch. "How do you feel about us?" He asks and I shuffle backwards awkwardly- not wanting to answer that question.
"I... Uh. I don't know, what am I supposed to feel?" I question and he laughs contagiously. "What?"
"Nothing, nothing." He smiles, his hand sliding over mine.
"Why do I feel like I'm 16 again?" I question as I begin to feel overly tingly inside.
"What do you say?"
"There's something there Sheeran. I just don't know whether I feel it right now," I tell him honestly. He nods and hugs me.
"Please don't do the same as last time," Ed says and I smile lightly as our faces become closer and closer.
His lips meet mine and I feel it, goddamn I feel it. He pulls away and looks at me questioningly.
"I feel it," I speak quietly as his hands hold my face gently.
"So do I," He whispers and kisses me again.
Arri's POV:
I wake up and find the cats sprawled over my bed, disabling me from getting up.
"Liv, Mere move your bums," I tell them impatiently and eventually get out of bed. I walk out into the lounge where I see Mom and Ed lay on the couch together.
I pour out coffees and teas and take them back into the lounge. I shake Mom's shoulder and she opens her eyes and looks round.
"Shoot! I'm sorry,"
"I'm feeling more sorrow for Ed who had you currently sat on him," I respond expressionlessly. She moves off him quickly and I head back to the kitchen.
"Hey A," I hear Ed's morning voice from across the room but choose to ignore it. I walk back to my room. I close the door and hear them talk on hushed voices.
"Tay, Arri's not happy. I can tell,"
"I genuinely don't know what to do, she's only going to get annoyed with us,"
"Speak to her, you don't want to not talk over the whole of Christmas do you?"
"I guess, go sort yourself out Eddie," I listen as they finish and I sit on my bed and stare out the window.
"Arri? Baby girl, can I come in?" Mom knocks the door gently before twisting the door handle and walking over to my bed. She sits down and places a hand over mine.
"What?" I ask bluntly, she looks at me sternly but dismisses the idea of punishing me.
"You're not happy about me and Ed are you?"
"Have you never thought that maybe if this crashes and burns I have no male person to go to. I have Austin and Shawn but that's it. I don't mind but you should know that Ed is one person I never ever want to lose." I finish and feel another person walk in.
"Wow," Ed whispers and places a hand on my shoulder.
"We promise to always stick with you baby girl. Yeah?" Mom says, squeezing my hand.
"I guess," I smile at them and feel Ed hug me tightly.
"If you ever need anything;" He whispers against my hair as he rests his head on top of mine.
There's a knock on the door and I curse to myself knowing who it is.
"Scott? What are you doing here?"
"Oh just coming by to remind my client she needs to get out of her pyjamas and actually come to work now,"
"Wait, I'm booked in the studio?! Oh god I'm so sorry!" Mom replies quickly running off to get changed.
"No, no;" I emerge from my room dressed and ready.
"I'm so sorry I was late. I forgot about my interview in half an hour;" I blurt out my excuse and watch Mom drag her hand to her mouth.
"So you're telling me you signed my daughter,"
"How long has she been signed?"
"Like 6 months," Scott answers simply and I see Mom swap glances over at me, then Scott.
"Arabella Maya Swift you little badass girl!"
"No swearing on the premises," I say and with that I'm off for another day at work.
Who's the girl at home now?!

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