Chapter 46~ White Horse.

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"Where you wanna go?" Mom asks as we wander round New York aimlessly.
"Um," I answer and hear her laugh as she walks beside me. We were at the studio and Ev was with Austin. Just me and Mom. We eventually decide on eating lunch somewhere. We get half way through and Mom's phone rings.
"Austin?... You what?... She what?... We'll be there in 5." Mom shoves the unknown bill in the middle of the table, grabs my wrist and walks back to the car.
"Mom, care to tell me what's going on?" I ask as she speeds down the roads.
"Ev's having an X-ray as we speak. Austin thinks she's done something to her arm."
"How?" I ask, suddenly worried for my little sister.
"She fell over, in the kitchen." I suck in a breath. The car falls into a thick silence. We pull up at the hospital and rush inside. Clearly Austin text Mom as she simply walks to a room down a couple of corridors.
We enter as she sits up from her x-ray, "Mommy," She whimpers as she sits up. "It hurts," A tear falls down her face.
"Baby it's gonna hurt okay? Mommy's right here, I'm not gonna move."
"Hello, hi everyone." A doctor walks in, "Unfortunately, Evelyn here, has caused a break to her wrist. We will be able to apply a cast and see how that works."
"Okay, A can you go get us some drinks please?" Mom asks and I nod.
I walk down to reception and see my best friends. I get tons of hugs and leap about excitedly a bit.
"Why are you here?" I ask.
"Your Mom said you were down and bored and to meet you here." Corey explains and I laugh.
"So... Who's up for having a bit of fun this afternoon?" Peyton asks and I nod.
"One second," I run the drinks to Mom and run back. "Okay let's go,"
We have a load of fun in different shops, it did involve the boys pretending to put on bras.
T and Peyton were constantly busy holding hands when Corey pipes up, "I think us third wheelers should act like them," He gestures to the two of them.
"I don't see the harm," I grin, hoping Shawn would understand.
"Well, do you want a piggy back?"
Within seconds I've leaped on to his back and he's running down the streets crazily.
"Thanks," I laugh as I come off his back.
"I thought you needed it, I'm here anytime." His arm rests round my shoulders in a friendly way as we wait for T and Peyton.
We spend the rest of the day together and I arrive home to Ed and Karlie waiting for the arrival of Mom and Ev with Austin. Ed is shaking in his seat and I laugh as I walk in.
"Edwardo why are you shaking?"
"You have no bloody idea?"
"If you're hurtin', if you're hurtin' lay it all on me," I sing as I reach up to the top of the refrigerator.
"Worse pun maker than your Mom A,"
"Why thank you," I smile at Karlie who laughs in response. I hear the door open and Ed is first out of his seat.
"Alright, slow down!" I call after him as he drags me through into the hallway with the milk in my hand. "Ed! I want to get cookies!" I moan as we run down the stairs.
"Tough," He sighs as we reach them.
"His fault," I answer Mom's question. I watch my phone go off with Shawn wanting to FaceTime me.
I run to my room, ditching the milk on the side.
S: Why?
A: What?
I furrow my eyebrows as I stare into the camera lense.
S: Did you have fun with your friend this afternoon?
A: Yeah, why?
S: Why did he have his arm around you?
A: Shawn don't do this.
S: Why, Arabella? Why? Why the hell was his arm around you?
His voice becomes a yell quickly as I run a hand through my hair.
A: Shawn what's your issue with him, my best friend, having his arm around me? It's not like you hug and kiss your fans is it! I spend days with Cor. Nights even and you're having a go at me for one thing?!
S: Yeah well maybe I am! Maybe I thought you trusted me enough, not to go off with some other girl! Clearly I couldn't trust you!
I feel tears prick the edges of my eyes.
A: I thought you'd understand that maybe your sister being rushed into hospital is stressful. Maybe remembering your schedule as well as mine is stressful, just so I can tell you I love you and show you I care! Maybe, me trying to do well in school doesn't matter to you!
I shout at him as I pace my room, tears cascading down my face.
S: I care and that's why we're having this ******* argument. Can't you flipping see that! I get that we're busy and we need distractions but I'm not willingly cheating on you!
A: I never said I was cheating on you!
S: I'm pretty sure that's what the news just told me!
A: Is that all you believe? The media, the ****** press! And you go on and on about me not trusting you!
S: Yeah that's because I'm not slinging my arm around some other girl!
A: Do you not want this? Do you not want us?!
S: I don't know!
A: Well what am I supposed to do?!
S: I have no bloody idea!
A: I'll see you around Shawn.
I end the call as tears fall down my cheeks at a quick pace.
The door bursts open and I look up. Mom.
"You heard it?" I ask, still sobbing.
"Yeah," She sits on the floor next to me.
"What was I supposed to do? I thought I loved him Mom!" She holds me close and I cry into her chest.
"Ssh, baby girl. It's gonna be alright," She runs her hand up and down her back. I don't stop. "Hey, I'll be back in a minute. I've got to make dinner, get into some PJ's. Alright?"
I nod as I find my tears still pouring out at a quick pace.
Shawn's POV:
"Shawn! Can you come down for dinner please?" My Mom bangs on my door but I don't answer it. "Fine go without," I hear her feet pad down the stairs and hold my head in my hands.
"Shawn? Mom wants you for dinner," Aaliyah pokes her head round the door.
"Get the hell out Aaliyah!" I yell and she steps back and shuts the door.
I shout into my hands as I lie on my bed. What have I done?
Arri's POV:
I get into a onesie and sit under a blanket as I cry to myself. I keep looking at my wrist, fiddling with the charms around my neck.
A knock chimes against the door and I mumble some sort of reply.
"I don't want dinner," I say bluntly, ignoring my hunger.
"Sit up." Mom instructs and I wriggle out from under the covers.
She sits under the duvet with me and eats her dinner- pasta.
"You want any dinner babes?" She asks as I stare at her plate. I shake my head. I feel like curling up and crying forever.
"Is it hurting?" She asks and I nod, feeling my cheeks dampen again. She puts her plate down as I curl up under the covers. She gets under with me and holds me close, similar to the way Shawn would. I cry harder.
"Hey, ssh..." She coos, kissing my forehead.
"I don't know what I'm supposed to do," I cry and cry to her and she just holds me close and tells me everything's okay. She stays with me through the night, even though neither of us got much sleep.
I wake up late the next morning, happy I have the next 3 weeks off of work. I drag myself up and stare at myself in the mirror. Despite wanting to crawl up and cry again I know I have to eat so...
I walk into the kitchen to find Mom, and a bunch of models and singers.
"Morning baby girl," Mom smiles and I bite my lip as I get some juice.
It goes silent and I break down again, falling to the floor.
Shawn's POV:
It gets to the next day and I don't even have the strength to stand. Let alone get up. I pick up my phone, and stop myself. This would be the time I'd phone Arri. I drop my phone, leaving it to slam against the floor.
"Shawn! What was that? You need to get up and eat!?" My Mom bangs against the door before coming in. "What's happened?" She asks softly, noticing the 'fallen down' images of me and A.
"We argued, a lot." I turn over and bury my head in the pillow. "I made her cry," my voice is muffled but Mom appears to work it out.
"Oh Shawn," She runs her hand up and down my bare back.
Taylor's POV:
I rush over to my collapsed daughter, trying to stop her tears. Cara hands me the packet of tissues and Sel is the first one raiding the freezer for ice cream. Karlie attacks the drawer for spoons and Ellie, Gigi and Martha hunt for DVDs.
"Why Mom? Why?" She cries endlessly into my chest. Ed had taken Ev to preschool then he was doing stuff all day. Sounds like a day with films, ice cream, tissues and a whole load of crying.
"I don't know baby, that's how life is," I tell her, running my fingers up and down her back. She stops and we are greeted by Cara at the door.
"You alright chummy?" She hugs Arri into her side and A nods, wiping her wet face. I sit down on one of the couches and breathe out heavily.
"Okay... We have a tub of mint choc chip, a tub of cookie dough and then a tub of chocolate. Ellie is out to buy more! A what do you fancy?"
"I'm alright," She says, her voice barely audible.
"C'mon baby, you haven't eaten properly since yesterday," I tell her.
"I don't want anything," She answers again, Karlie looks at me and I send her a troubled look back.
"A please," I beg and she shakes her head.
"I don't want to!" She yells and storms out.
I burst into tears, not sure what I am to do. "Tay, don't cry."
Selena's POV:
As Taylor cries I walk out into the corridor. "Arri?" I ask as I walk into her room.
"What?" She questions from underneath her covers.
"Are you okay?" I say tentatively.
"Mm," I can tell by the way her voice cracks that she's crying.
"Arri, honey, please don't do this. Don't lock yourself out, please eat something. Please open up A, none of us can go much longer until we all start crying. Please just tell me what you're feeling, I won't tell anyone I swear."
"I want him back. I don't know how much longer I can go like this. I'm hungry but I don't want to eat, I want to see him but I can't, I want him to be with me but he's not, I want to be friends with Corey and that can be okay. I just need him," She sobs against me as I hug her.
"I know how you're feeling, I know it hurts not having him there constantly. I know you want to eat but you don't think you can, I know you want to be friends with Cor but still be with who you love. I know, but don't ride off on your white horse yet my lovely,"

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