Chapter 51~ Come In With The Rain.

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"Mom?" I knock gently on the toilet door. The arena is empty and we're packing up for another night. "Mom?!" I knock harder. "Mom, Ev called. She was missing you, Ed told me to tell you he loves you. I'll see you in the morning Mom. Love you," I leave the toilets.
"Do it," I hear a voice behind me. "Do it, go on tour. Get yourself a big name A, do it for me."
"I can't though, can I. The second you don't turn up to one of the stops the media blows up again. The pair of you need to learn to grow up. You've been at each other's throats for ages now. You told me to never say something wrong over the Internet to intimidate people. That's what you've been doing, Mom. Have you never realised that? I'm trying to save your career as much as Katy's and my own. I'll see you in the morning. Goodnight,"
I walk briskly out of the toilets, carrying the box full of costumes to the bus. I meet Cara as I attempt to open the heavy doors out the back.
"What you gonna do?"
"I have no idea." I tell her honestly, "I feel like I've got 3 careers on my hands."
"Woah, I didn't realise how crazy the media is. Good luck chum,"
"I'm gonna try my best,"
"Hey, it's gonna be fine. You go or you don't, it doesn't matter." Gigi places a hand on my shoulder. I laugh slightly.
"I can always act." I sigh and walk ahead to the bus.
Gigi's POV:
"Poor thing," I mutter as we help carry the last of the costumes to the bus.
"She got a tough one there. She says she can just act but you know she doesn't mean it, she wants to sing so bad. You can tell," Cara says and I nod as we watch her walk further ahead.
"Mm," I reply simply before stopping. "Where's Taylor?"
"I thought she was helping."
"Take this," I pass Cara the costumes and run back inside. "Taylor!" I call into the arena.
"Yeah," She walks out to me. Her face was slightly tear-stained and I hug her tightly.
"Are you okay?"
"I guess, it's a difficult one." We begin to walk to the bus before we see it moving.
"**** Taylor! Hurry up!" I grab her wrist and yank her towards the bus. It stops and we fall apart in laughter.
"That was so funny!" Cara walks outside giggling to herself as Taylor slaps her arm.
*Next Show*
Arri's POV:
"Woo! Nashville!" I yell as after the 8 hour bus trip we were at the arena. Gran, Grandad and Austin are coming tonight and Shawn is currently doing the next couple of shows with me.
We stop and I run off of the bus into the fresh air. We walk into the arena and I see the stage already set up.
"Okay! We're running seriously behind! If you need to change for sound check you have 5 minutes!" Scott yells but I'm already in yoga pants and a hoodie so I get my mic and do all the technical stuff for that.
"Let's go!" We start and rehearse up to the point people are queuing outside.
"I may have left my bag out front in the bus."
"Go, A. Be quick!" Scott shouts and I jog out the door by the crowds who shout but block me.
"Excuse me!" I yell, attempting to separate the crowd.
"Move! I'm Arri's uncle and I swear to god I will make her climb over you if you're not gonna budge!" The crowd quickly disperses and I say quick thanks to Austin, hi to my grandparents and begin legging it to the bus.
I get my bag and run back with 5 minutes to get changed and put make up on. Sarah and Laura attack me with makeup once I'm dressed and I'm ready to go.
The show passes by quickly and I'm soon in meet and greets. I get to about a 9 year old girl and her family.
"We've just going to wait over there. Meet us back there when you're finished." The parents disappear leaving the little girl with her sister as I get to them.
"Hey, what's your name?" I ask the little girl who had one of my shirts on.
"That's a nice name. I love your shirt by the way," I point to the picture and she laughs. "Who's this?" I point up to her sister who was staring at her phone.
"My sister! Rose!" The little girl tugs her sister's leg.
"Yes! I told you I don't want to talk to her!" She looks up and I recognise her face in a second, "Hi *****," She grins and I bite my lip. "How's being famous working out for you?"
"It's great, thanks."
"Where's that boyfriend of yours? He seems easy enough if he fell for you,"
"A! Scott says you've got at least another hour on this," Shawn jogs up to me and pecks my cheek. Rose's jaw drops.
"H-hi... S-Shawn!" She stammers as Shawn takes my hand.
"Hey!" I quickly sign Skye's poster and hand it to her as Rose and Shawn have a conversation of some sort.
As I continue to chat to Skye I notice Rose beginning to laugh with Shawn and sort of touch his hand. I shiver at the thought and clearly Shawn notices my action and places a warm hand on my shoulder as he says goodbye to Rose.
"She was the bully," I tell him quickly and he nods.
"She seems the material, she tried to hold my hand and other ****." I laugh and he walks off as I move on to the next people.
About an half an hour later I receive at tap on the shoulder from Shawn again. He passes me a mug of tea and I smile at him gratefully.
"That's a long bloody queue," I nod tiredly and he pecks me nose as security usher people forward. "Keep going gorgeous," I finish and sigh deeply.
"Who stays up until midnight for my autograph?" I mutter to myself, now alone in the room.
"So slut, how are you doing?" Rose walks in. I roll my eyes.
"I'd really enjoy some sleep thanks," I say and walk through the doors at the end of the room. "Night,"
"Why are you not bothered by me all of a sudden?"
"Because I know that if I retaliate you'll go back harder. I might be considered famous but I'm not exactly dumb. Grow up, don't chase me and my friends and family round looking for trouble. You might get yourself in the news but I don't think many teenagers watch that. Night," I walk out, shrugging my cardigan over my shoulders.
Sometimes, things just come in with the rain.

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