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"My worst enemy is my memory." - Unknown



Blood, so much blood.

I jolted awake, my heart pulsing rapidly and my chest tightening with each breath. Tears burned at the corners of my eyes and my body was soaked in perspiration. I closed my eyes against the luminosity from the sun trying my hardest to calm down before I woke up Travis.

I don't want to be a problem to him, more so than I already am.

My mind was recalling unwanted memories. The more I thought about it, the more I began to hyperventilate and I felt lightheaded from these uncontrollable emotions. My chest started to pound painfully and I started to heave out breaths between each sob.

When did I even start crying? I don't know. Everything was a blur to me right now. It felt like I was having a heart attack which was strange considering what I was. I whimpered rolling onto my side covering my ears to siphon the sounds as voices from memories replayed over in my mind.

It was like I was there again.

"No..Dad.. p-please stop." I cried digging my nails harshly into my earlobes.

The pain of my chest eventually succumbed to my whole body to an almost unbearable pain. Each muscle felt like jelly and I couldn't think right. Everything was so jumbled to me.

Instantly I flinched when a hand touched my shoulder. I whined forcing away from their burning touch and I aggressively struggled when they gripped me even tighter pulling me upwards to them. My mind focused on one thing and I screamed at them reopening my eyes that swarmed with tears. I saw my dad and I felt my heart drop along with my breath that quickened. He had that cruel smile on his face again, he was planning to hurt me like before.

"No..please, I'm s-sorry," I said raucously struggling feebly against his grip crying silently.

My hands that tried to push him away tentatively covered my ears and I closed my eyes refusing to acknowledge he was there.

I'm safe. I am, I have to be. Travis is here. Or did he leave me again?

Barely having time to finish my thoughts, my cheek stung from the sudden slap I received. I stayed frozen still for a few moments finally coming back to my senses as everything came back to me. I noticed we were in a small clearing blinded by nature.

We're in Rogue territory still, a long way from my Tribe. I'm safe. My dad isn't here.

"Ow," I mumbled hoarsly blinking upwards at Travis who was giving me a indifferent glance. Embarrassment and regret filled me and I ducked my head hastily wiping away my tears.

"Sorry, I-I'm so sorry."

He breathed out a heavy sigh shifting towards me. I kept my head low afraid to meet his eyes which I knew would be swarming with annoyance. His fingers brushed my face before tilting my chin up.

A scowl was present on his face whilst he eyes my left cheek rubbing his thumb over it gently. "I thought you were over having temper tantrums brat, apparently not."

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