Authors Note

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-Edited July 18, 2016-

So like I have said before I never intended on making a sequel to Kitten. It was never something I had an idea for. I also hate to seem like someone who has a successful story and only makes a sequel because everyone wants one and is begging for it. I never wanted to make a sequel because people wanted it but I as I edited Kitten I felt so attached to the characters and began to get ideas for a sequel and where these characters could go beyond Kitten.

So now Letters to Hazel is officially a sequel to Kitten. There will be more than just letters that Harry wrote to Hazel like I first intended. There will be a story and it won't be anything like the first book.

But just to clarify some things,

When I first starting writing Kitten, I had no idea what the ending was going to be or what was going to come of my characters or the book. My friends and I were just obsessed with omegle at the time and I almost got this guy to buy me and my friends 1d tickets and I got the idea. Half way into writing it was when I got serious about writing it and decided that Harry would kidnap Hazel. I didn't even decide that she would have a child in the end and write a book about it all until the day I wrote chapter 40.

A lot of people ask me if its Harry's kid and a lot of people want it to be Harry's kid. The chapter where he came inside her I got a lot of mixed reviews saying that people didn't want it to be a pregnant girl fanfic ( which I would never do) and that some people did. So when it came down to the ending I didn't want it to be clear weather it was Harry's or not. That is a decision I wanted people to make for themselves. I want people to have a personal connection and love for the characters so much that they give the characters their own lives and fate beyond the last words.

In my opinion, Its not Harry's and I may write about who Hazel was after Harry and her daughter in the sequel but I still want it to be up to the reader to decide if he got her pregnant or not.

But, I want the people who want it to be Harrys to believe it is Harrys because what happens after the 

I am really passionate about this sequel and have been writing a lot of chapters and thinking about the plot a lot for it. I am really excited to see how people react to the new story line and just everything about it!!

I love you guys:)
I hope you enjoy!!!

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