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Harry: I'm sorry I got so mad at you at the signing about the book. I haven't finished it all yet but I like it and had nothing to be mad about. It's bringing back so many positive memories and you have such a beautiful way about writing about the two of us.

Harry: It's Harry by the way.

I typed into the IMessage not expecting a response anytime soon I just had to let her know my feelings and I hat to apologize. I felt horrible for being mad at her only to realize what her book was actually like. Everything she wrote about her and I, specifically me was more kind than I could ever ask for. She always was praising me when her and I were together and she continued that in her book. She said so many kind words towards me all I wanted to do was love her back. She deserved to be told nice things right back to her and I hated that I couldn't just call her and tell her all things I loved about her. 

The sun was beginning to rise and I knew that I had to move on from the world of Hazel and I and be a normal member of society. I had to go to work and I had to do adult things. In my heart, all I wanted to do was get caught up in the world that Hazel and I had created for each other. I sat up out of the bed I was sharing with Piper and went right to my closet and got dressed. I usually woke her up before I went to work to say goodbye but that wasn't even on my mind this morning.

"No good bye kiss?", she questioned me in an adorable, groggy morning voice. Her hair was a mess across the pillow and her eyes were barely open. I found her so beautiful like this.

"I love you", I said quickly pecking her on the lips, she smiled in the kiss which I loved. 

"Love you too. Have a good day at work."

I went to straight to my car and into the morning rush hour. I used to hate this time of day before I got back to writing music with the boys. There was no purpose to this time of day. It was too early for the world and it was too early for me. I was really upset at the time too. It reminded me of early mornings with Hazel or when I would make her giant breakfasts. But now I had the music to live for again and Piper. I was lucky to have a reason to live other than her.

When I arrived to the studio Niall and Liam were already there. They were just sitting there waiting for me and socializing. They were clearly talking about their personal lives. In the beginning each and every conversation was so simple. Our lives were simple. We talk about thje music and cute girls. Now its so much deeper. Almost everyone in the band are fathers and husbands now. So the conversations revolve around the kids or wives. I am the only one without a child or wife so something I feel left out. Piper and I have talked marriage and sometimes I want to marry her but we were in no rush.

"So you got the book?", Niall gestures towards Hazel's book I am holding and I look down at it and stare at the cover. 

"Wanna look at it?", I said handing the book over to Niall and Liam. They took it from my hands and stared at just the cover for a second.

"This is real?", Niall said and I nodded. He laughed a little and the two begin flipping through the book some more. They stopped and read some pieces or would look at the pictures Hazel had inserted but they didn't put too much attention into it. Once they finished the book they handed it back to me and I looked down at the cover.

"Wait", I said sitting down next to them while opening to the front cover, the only section they avoided, "Read this."

"This is real?", Liam questioned and I nodded," She really wrote this for you and gave you her phone number?"

"Yeah", I said and I didn't know what else to say. The two boys just stared at me as if they were waiting for me to say something more but I had nothing. Unless they asked me a question I had nothing else to add. I was still in slight shock that it all had happened. 

"Was she mad at you or at least scared?", Niall asked.

"No she was calm and friendly. She was the exact same way that she had always been with me. She didn't even mind that I had came and I really thought she would. I thought she would leave before she even got to talk to me."

"That's insane", Liam added.

"You know whats even more insane?", I said and the two looked at me waiting for me to say something," She had a baby."

"So shes with someone?", Liam said and the two of the them did not seem as shocked as I was. None of them seemed to be thinking about the fact that in the span of five years she had a baby. Was it only mind blowing to me?

"I don't know. The baby isn't a baby though its a kid. She looked about four of five", I said and Liam's eyes widened while Niall just went back into writing whatever song he was writing.

"Do you think it could be yours?", Liam asked," Is that what you are getting at because if you think that you need to ask her tell her. The time adds up perfectly if the kid is four or five and I would hate if you weren't to be in your child's life."

"I don't want to come on assuming things like that though", I said putting my head in my hands," I just know she has a daughter, her daughter has to be around 4 or 5 years old, and she looks a lot like her. There are no true signs shes mine other than the time."

"I don't how, Harry. She gave you her number so I say when the time is ready you give her a call and maybe it will come up", Liam suggested and I nodded.

Born to make you happy// Britney Spears
Complicated//Avril Lavigne

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