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It was a new day and I was still in shock over the conversation that I had just had with Adam. The fact that I had not only ended by relationship but my closest friendship so easily was shocking. Adam was the only male I had trusted in my life in a long time, and even he had shown that I shouldn't trust him. I wanted to make things work with him, I thought him and I could have been really good together but to see how possessive he had gotten turned me off.

Adam had not only attacked my daughter and what he thought was best for her but he had attacked Harry and his character too. The two people I had given my all to in my life, the two people who I loved so deeply were in his line of fire and it didn't feel right. He has no right to know about my daughter and her well being. He has no right to judge Harry and his character. I felt like I had to defend the both of them. In the end I had done the right thing and I knew that.

Snapping me out of my thought, was a text.

Harry: Is it weird if I ask you for some pictures of Jade?

Harry: If it is weird we can just act like I never asked you this question and move on, lol.

It was kind of a weird question coming from him, but at this point I was convinced that he was Hazel's father. The way he reacted to just looking at pictures of my little girl, I had never seen before that image was never going to leave my mind. The love he had for her excited me. Jade deserved it.

I had a dad growing up and that at least meant something to me now. He may have not been as active as I wish he would be but I had him. He was goofy and playful when my mom was more stern and level headed. He gave the mature advice that I needed when I became an adult and a parent. My relationship with my father eventually became more strained as time pasted but the relationship I had with him when I was vital to who I became.

Hazel: Not weird at all.

I attached at least 15 pictures of Jade from the past few years to the text message. I wanted to show off how beautiful my daughter was and how proud I was of her in these pictures. She was a small baby, she was healthy but just very small. Smallest little hands and feet. I was in love with her when she was born, and still am to this day. She was the most beautiful baby I had laid my eyes on and she has grown into the most smart and kind toddler I could ask for.

Jade's small head was resting in my lap right as she napped. She still wasn't feeling well and I had let her stay home from school today. She was beautiful, the light of my life in every single way. I felt like whenever anything else in the world was going wrong, like I was going through a lot she was there

-Harry's P.OV-

"What are you smiling at?", Piper asked and I had no idea how to answer. She was going to be hurt if I told her it was Hazel's daughter but I felt like I had to be honest with her. She knew that I thought she might be my daughter and if I did have a child that was something I had to be honest with her about.

I didn't say anything. I just showed her my screen and scrolled through all the pictures Hazel had sent me, from beginning to end. It made me nervous. She trusted me and I knew that Piper was open minded. I had nothing to worry about but at the same time I had everything to worry about. As much as I loved Hazel, the love I had for her wasn't realistic anymore. She would never feel the same way. I wanted to have a serious relationship with Piper and I saw myself being with her for a long time. I knew in my heart that I didn't want to risk what I had with Piper for something that might not even last.

"That's Hazel's daughter right", Piper asked and I nodded. She started scrolling through the pictures again and smiling. It was nice, her reaction was positive but I couldn't tell. You never really could guess what she was thinking. Piper was the type to just think and think and think.

"She looks a lot like you", she said, "The both of you. That is so crazy."

"Right?", I questioned a little and set my phone down, "She doesn't know who the father is."


"She said that once she was home she felt really lost in the world and she hooked up with someone once. She found out she was pregnant a little while after. The timeline adds up though with the last time she had sex and when she found out she was pregnant."

Her daughter looks a lot like me and I couldn't shake the feeling that she was mine. I didn't want to push it though, or get my hopes up. Hazel was content with the way her life was with her daughter. I didn't want to cause any stress or major change in their lives either. If I was her father I didn't want that to hurt anyone or make things harder or either of them. If she didn't want to know who the father was then I didn't need to know either.

"You want to know don't you", Piper said and I nodded, "What are you going to do if she's yours?"

Idk if you guy are into astrology but I am obsessed and have been studying for like three or so years. I think Hazel is Libra sun, cancer moon, sag rising. Harry is Aqua Sun, Libra Moon, Libra rising. Piper is Cancer sun, Taurus moon, Leo Rising. Adam is Aries sun, Aries Moon, Scorpio Rising.

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