Chapter Two: Ned

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"Do you think I am doing this right?" I asked Bess and George, "Maybe I should wait a little longer." If anyone knew Nancy better then I do, it was Bess and George.

"Yes!" Bess shouted into the phone, "It is so romantic!"

George told Bess to stop shouting. "Ned, just take a deep breathe. You really need to relax." George and Bess were Nancy's two best friends. They were also cousins, but as different as could be. Bess had long blonde hair and blue eyes while George, her full name actually being Georgia, had short brown hair and brown eyes. Bess was flirtatious, ambitious, and into fashion. George was sporty, logical, and really into computers or anything high-tech. If your computer ever broke down, George could most likely fix it.

Nancy's friends always became my friends and mine became her's. We were like a tight knit family, always by each other's sides. We always helped Nancy whenever she was stumped on a case or needed hints, which was not too often, but it was nice to help when she did.

Just then, I heard the sound of a car coming down the street. "Bess, George I got to go," I said, getting up from Nancy's front porch.

"Good luck, Ned!" Bess cheered as I felt into my pocket. It's there.

"See you later, Ned!" George hung up. I closed the phone and took a deep breathe. Their reassurance was pleasing, but did not fully give me the confidence I could have used.

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