Emma Swan

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Emma's POV
Today is a Monday. The day I dread the most. Living in a new town and going to a new school is hell for me. I'll give a bit of it.

I live in Storybrooke, Maine.
Probably known as the happiest place in the world. I go to a high school called Storybrooke High.
The teachers there are just too happy.

Lamguage Arts: Zelena (she prefers her first name)
Science: Mr. Gold
Math: Mr. Jones
Social Studies: Ms. French
Art: Mrs. Mills

Art is my favorite because it is something I can express my feelings in. I mean the other classes aren't bad, I just really hate them.

"Shit", I cursed at myself when my alarm clock went off when it brought me out of my thoughts. I have 25 minutes to get to school before I'm late. I jump out the bed and run into the bathroom. I take a quick shower but I don't wash my hair. I brush my teeth and wash my face while I'm in there. I hop out of the shower into my closet.

I decide to where jeans, a white top and some boots. I put my hair in a messy but cute bun and grabing my makeup. I only put on lipstick and mascara. Now, I only have 15 minutes. I run downstairs and grab a muffin, water, and my phone. That will fill me up.

"Love you mom! Love you dad! Henry too!!", I yelled before I ran out the door. They tried to give me a hug but I was already halfway down the street. I checked the time to see I only had 10 minutes left. At this point, I really don't care. I'll just have to be late to school.

~ about 15 minutes later~

I finally made it to school but I was late to homeroom. Oh well, I really don't care about homeroom anyways. I go to my first block. Tap/Jazz 2. It was an easy class for me because I've been dancing my whole life. Our dance teacher Ms. Daniels, is NEVER on time. Like, really? Then she complains about if one of us is late we will get detention. Really?

But I'm always on time so that doesn't really apply to me. That class goes by really fast for it being an 3 hour class. Now I have my academic classes. I hate those.

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