New York Trip

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Regina's POV

She said she loved me. I replayed that in my head. Over and over. Even though I said I love you first, it meant so much more after she said it back.

I got into my Black Benz, ready to go to New York. It isn't that far from here. I'm still confused on why she would try and kill herself. I love that girl way too much to lose her. But I have Robin. Damn. He's my husband. I can't do that to him. But he doesn't show that he loves me, so should it really matter?

I made it to New York. I had to drive around a bit to find the apartments. I found them going down a busy street. I walked into the huge building, looking at the chandeliers and all. To get to door 407, i have to go up an elevator. Which is an uncomfortable because it scares me. Don't ask why.

I find it and knock. No one answers. I knock again, and a brunette with red strands in her came to the door.

"Um, do you know Emma Swan?", I asked her and her eyes went wide. "Hell yes! That's my hoe!", she screamed excitedly. "What's wrong? Is she okay?" "She um, tried to commit suicide not that long ago.." "Oh. Is she better?" "Yeah. She told me to come down here and-" "Get this?", she held out the silver box. "How did you know?" "She's my best friend. Plus she told me already." "Well thank you.." "Ruby." "Thanks!" "You're welcome. Tell Em I said call me." I nodded then walked out the door.

I have to give this to my true love.

Emma Marie Swan.

Part 2. Chapter 11, i think, will be updated shortly.

Love Never Dies ❤ (ouat)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora