Seeing Her

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*Time Lapse*

Now it's time for Art. Last class of the day before my free block.

I walk in to notice that I'm the first one to get here. I sit in the back like usual. I'm the not-all-in-the-spotlight kind of girl. It's really hard having a friendship with someone, when everyone knows you as the "suicidal freak". I shouldn't even add quotations. I'm known as the SUICIDAL FREAK! I'm used to getting called that. Because that's what I am. The Suic-

"Miss Swan are you even paying attention?", said Miss Mills.

"Wait, class has started?", I asked. Everyone giggles including her.

"Yes, yes it has. Speak to me after class please!", she said. I sighed, then payed attention to whatever she was saying.

Class when by pretty quickly today. I guess it was from the nervousness about talking to the most beautiful woman ever. I walked to the front of the class and waited for her to come back from the restroom.

"Ah, Swan! You decided to show up, huh?", she said as she closed the door. I sighed.

"Yep.", popping the 'P'.

"Swan, you know this is one of your best classes, correct?"

"Yes I do. Can I go now Miss Mills? This is my free time.", I tell her.

"I know you don't have friends, so you can't say to go hang out with them." Man she's good. Suddenly, two jocks walk in. Interrupting the time with her.

"Oh, look. The freak is hanging out with the slut. How nice?", one of them spat.

"Detention for both of you!", she yelled at them. They sighed, then left.

"Swan are you-"

"Yes, I'm fine! I need to go! Bye Miss Mills.", I said then left.



My alarm clock went off making me grunt really loud. Who invented this things? I went to the bathroom, and noticed my blade on the edge of the sink. I didn't. I thought as I rolled up my sleeves to check for cuts. Yep. Five of them. Just across my wrist. Why do I do this to myself?

I grabbed my phone and book bag, and ran outside to go to school. The school is a five minute run, but a ten minute walk. It's only 7:30, so why not walk today. Feeling the breeze blow through my untangled hair made me feel good. Like a whole new perspective of life.

School doesn't start til 8:15. So, I basically have morning free time.

I bump into someone on my way to my locker. It just had to be her.

Miss Mills.

"I'm so sorry Miss Mills. I didn't mean to.", I said almost crying.

"Oh it's okay dear. No harm done.", she said. I simply nodded, helped pick up the papers, then walked off until she stopped me and said.

"Miss Swan. Why don't you come in my class until it's time for homeroom?"

"Um okay."

We walked to the Art room, and as always, I sat in the back corner. It's a habit of mine.

"Miss Swan, you know the front rows are empty, right?", she says.

"Oh yeah. I guess I didn't realize it.", I said.

"Also, I wanted to ask you about the incident that happened yesterday with those jocks."

"I'm fine Miss Mills. I really am.", I pulled my sleeves down a bit further. I guess she noticed because she kept staring at my arms.

That's also a habit of mine.

She's beautiful. I wish she were mine. I wish that maybe one day I will call her my wife. Or my girlfriend.

I love you Miss Mills. Or I think I do.

"Miss Swan, you've been staring at me for the past ten minutes. Is there something wrong?", she said.

"Um..N-no." Then the bell rung.

"I'll be seeing you this afternoon, Miss Swan?",she said. I nodded then made my way out the door before the students pour in.

Every time I'm around her, something happens to me. I feel tingles down my spine when she talks to me, I blush when she calls me out in class, I stutter every time she notices me

Do I have feelings for Miss Mills?

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