Chapter 4

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Party Poisons POV

My head snapped around and the girl was standing there.

"What do you mean?"I asked wondering why she would say something like that .

"You certainly aren't as sane as you were when this started."She said.She was right too I don't think any of us are.

"What's your name, Kid ?"Ghoul asked.She thought for a moment as if wondering if she should tell us.

"Missile Kid."She said slowly.

"Your real name."Ghoul asked her.

"Like I would tell you."She scoffed.

"You know ours."Jet Star whined.

"And?That doesn't give you any right make me tell you anything about my past."She said.

"You would have died if it wasn't for us."I pointed out.

"No she wouldn't have because BL/ind was using her as bait."Kobra said.

"For who?"Jet asked.

"Who do you think."I said.

"Why didn't she come then?"Jet Star asked.

"She knew I was bait."

"Missile."I said getting on my knees.I looked in her eyes,they looked so familiar .
"Could you please go to your room I need to speak to the boys in private."
I said softly.

"Nothing's private now,Party."She whispered before walking off.

"What was it you wanted?"Jet Star asked.

"Dead Beat."I said thinking about how stupid it sounded.

"Shes dead isn't she?"Fun Ghoul asked.

"Thats what we thought last time."I said.

"How can you run away from an explosion that blew up half the city?"He asked.

"Shes dead Party."Jet said.

"We all are now."

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