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Ella POV

I was sitting in a chair when a boy came up to me and started crying. I was going to ask him why but there this man who tried to talk to him and my uncle Kristoff came to me and said that my mom is calling me. I came with him but I felt bad for that boy.

When I was walking with my uncle I ask him who was that boy and Why was he crying and my uncle saw in face that I was worried.

But that was a long time ago. I just remember that because I had a dream about it. I think I was 7 when we came to that place. When I saw that boy I think that was april 2005.

I remember my mom and my uncle and my aunt want to go to Los Angeles. We went to disneyland. I think that's when I saw that boy.

Anyway we don't live in LA or close to LA we live in New York.

Anyway since that was a long time ago we should all move on about it.(TBH my mom always say that to my aunt). I never knew why. But that day was always in my mind. I never stop thinking about that boy. That poor little boy. But I notice that he has this big birth mark in his right shoulder. I think it was a shape of a snow flake.

But I hope that he's Ok now. But anyway I am going to school on June 2015. I can't wait just two more years of school then I can go to NYU.

I always wanted to be like my mom like how she's a doctor. She helps a lot of kids just like me and my brother.

Me and my brother Ethan is adopted by my mom Elsa. We don't even know if me and Ethan are related.

My mom told me this story when was 10 because she said that I am more understanding at that age she also told Ethan about it. She said that the story was like this.

One cold blizzard the hospital was full of people because of the storm. There is this Lovely lady who was holding a little lovely girl(Ella). She said that " that the girl was freezing and she was really hungry. The girl(birth mom) told her that she is a homeless person. That she is from middle east. She said that my birth mom was taken in New York by my birth dad but after a few months of being together my birth mom found out that my birth dad already had his own family. She said that my birth mom died blizzard because she didn't eat anything ever since she and my birth got broke up. She said to my mom(Elsa) before she died to take a good care of her daughter. My mom tried to ask her what was my named but she didn't say anything but one thing about my dad that he has a birthmark of a snow flake.

I ask my mom how did my birth mom look, all she said is that she looks anything. She said that maybe I just look like my dad.Sometimes I don't worry about why my dad give up on us. Well I don't blame his wife I wonder what happened to him. To be honest I don't even look like my birth mom I look more like my mom Elsa. Our face is the same well what I saw from the pictures before when she was at my age. The only difference we have between the two of us is our hair.

I am thankful that my mom Elsa is the one that found my birth mom. I am happy that she is my mom. I may not know who is my birth dad and who's my birth mom but I have a uncle (Krisstoff ) ,a aunt ( Anna), a little brother (Ethan), a little cousin (Mary Ann),And of couse my one and only mom.

They can say that I am a adopted but I never felt that I was. I happy that she is my mom an there my family.That 's what made me me.love my family

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