My Prince

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This morning while Holly and Polly where in the bathroom Prince have to stay in his room and give the girls a little privacy.

Prince was just laying down doing nothing until something came to his mind.

It was Prince and Ella actually dating for real. He was holding her hand so soft, he can fell that she has been taking care of her hands.It was warmed and soft like it was a pillow.

"Big Brother!!!!! it's your turn to use the bathroom before dad leaves." said Polly and Holly at the same time.

Prince woke up from his day dream. Then stated walking to the bathroom. His dad was sitting in the table downstairs. His mom was on her phone smiling.

"Rapunzel what are you doing? Or should I say who are you texting?" asked Jack.

" Why do you have to care?I didn't care when you trust Elsa's daughter with your son." argued Rapunzel

" You made a fuss about for over five days." said Jack.

" Ia m leaving now, Holly and Polly come on!!!!!! Prince let me walk you next door." said Jack

"No way,I'll walk Prince over." said Rapunzel.

"Why mommy? Is it because your jealous that pretty girl next door?" said Polly.

" Oh yeah that nice and pretty lady next door." said Holly.

"Oh wait what's her named again daddy?" asked Polly

" Her is Elsa Arendell." replied Jack.

" That is a nice named daddy, I'll call her Els. Right Polly?" said Holly.

"Yes, that sounds nice to me." said Polly.

"Ok girls BYE BYE BYE." said Rapunzel with a pissed voice.

"Mom why do hate Ella's mom? She sound amazing, even the twins love her." said Jack.

"My Prince, you'll find out when you break her daughter's heart" said Rapunzel with a happy voice.

Prince went go school with Ella and Sadie.

Prince's feelings went down even more for Ella.

Same for Ella. Until finally Prince said these words to Ella.
"Hey Ella I really like you,Do you want to go to the Halloween?" Prince said with a nervous voice.

"Wait your asking me but........" Ella said.

''Well we have to go anyway ,but I don't want to pretend anymore. Soooooooooo........" Prince said.

"Ok fine I'll go with you,but where not a couple ok." Ella said.

''So your saying Yes right." Asked Prince.

"Unless you what me to say No." Ella laugth."

"No let's keep it yes Ella." Prince said.

"What's sup Sadie" said Luke.

"Let me guess you want to go to the Halloween dance with me." Sadie said.

"No, I was just going to asked something to you,but that could be a Yes." Luke said.

Going to the dance with Sadie. Prince and Ella are going together too.--- post Luke at IG

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