Moving Day

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Today is a special day, for me,my sisters, my parents. Toady my dad is going back to his old house in New York.

I am happy because so I can finally get of LA and I can start all over. Well maybe not but they said that there are a lot of cute girls in New York.

Some people say that if you want to find a girlfriend in New York you should go to the subway.

It sound yummy to me. I am just kidding.

This is the reason why we are moving to New York it's because they have to sell our house so I can have a college money. Since my dad always works but he never get the money we need. So he has to make it up. So he keep thinking and thinking till he finally said something like this:

"Hey Remember my house in New York" My day said.

My mom said something like these "Not that house Jack you know that house is next to her house".

" You don't even know she still live there. Come on Rapunzel don't you know how to move on." My dad said

" How can I moved on ifI know that you still have feelings for her" My mom said .

Anyway my dad still went on about how can they send me to a good school if we don't have any money for that school. So we are still moving.

But Ia m still wondering who is that "Her" girl. Well I'll know soon enough.

My mom said that she is going to be our neighbor. So who ever is our neighbor she will get a lot of pain.

At first I didn't really care but now I do after I saw my little sister and my mom crying. I ask my mom what happened. All she said was these words.

"Who ever that neighbor we have inNew York I want you to never talk to her or her family be the meanness you can be to her. If she has a daughter that is in your age break her heart and play around with her ok my little Prince".

I remember those words. I will do what my mom ask me.I will break her feelings and turn it in to ash and tears.

Whatever that neighbor did to my mom I'll do it to her daughter.

I actually just thought of this what if she has a son not a daughter. Then I am dead. Well hopefully it's a girl.

After a 5 hours later. They finally came to New York And this is what Ella's reaction is :


It was just a normal day of summer 2015. Until there is this car stop on the house next to ours.

I always asked my mom who was our neighbor. All she said was these words:

"No one". my mom always said.

But my aunt said to me when I was around 8 years old she said

" Your mom went to a cold history who ever lived in that house so please just don't talked or ask her those questions.Please understand Ella. You can ask any questions to your mom just not that one.My brother Ethan knows about it by now".

If I didn't told this I am telling you that I am 17 years old and my brother is 13 years old.

Yes he does know that we are not real siblings by blood but we treat each other like family.

I also have a little cousin her named is Mary Ann. She is my uncle and aunt daughter she is blond not like me. My brother also have blond hair. Mary Ann is 13 she is older than my brother by 2 months.

Anyway when I saw those people I called my aunt right away. My uncle went to check it out with me and my aunt. When we got there we saw this family of blond people . Beside the dad. My uncle said these following words:

"Hey Jack is that you?" My uncle wondering

This is what that guy said " Hey what sup Krisstoff and Anna ".

And this girl that has blond hair who kinda look like my mom she said " Hey Anna how was Elsa". with a plastic looking face .

My aunt said " She is perfectly fine, Actually she came a doctor. she has two kids now look the is her first kid Ella."

All I said was Hi .

She look at the boy who is blond also and smiled at him and me. She said you look so much like your mom and that braid of yours look a plot like hers. But why do you have brown hair. You will look more like her if you have her hair.

My aunt just said "that if they ever need a favor they can always ask us ".

I know that my aunt is really pissed off by that blond girl. I never seen that king of hair that she had. I don't even think that her son and daughters look like her hair. I had no idea what she's talking about she doesn't look like her daughter too.

But I am glad that she never ask anything else. Now that I seen those people, I thought of what my aunt told me that they had a cold past.

When I saw that blond girl pissed my aunt off. I said to myself maybe they did had a really cold past . The way that girl acted shows me how she must have been when she was younger.

In the other side Prince


I saw that girl earlier she is cute and I do want to make my mom happy. I saw how she was pissed off.

I can tell that she is in pain because she found out that this girl "Elsa" had a nice life than her.

I will make my mom happy even if I have to give pain to others. This is going to be hard but I'll do it even if it's hard.

If I even miss spell anything in  this book I am so sorry 

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