First Day

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Today is going to be a special day. Today is the first day of school.I love school. I am still going to the same school as I was before the Jelsa High School.

It use to be my mom old's school.She said she had a lot of fun memories in that school. I always ask her if she had good memories or bad memories. She said this to me once:

"I had fun in that school I had a great time and I want you to have fun too. I love you my little angel".

Then she wet back to working in her room. My aunt went to that school too. I also ask her the same question I ask my mom. All she said was these words:

" We had fun in that school but your mom and your aunt Merida had a little sad memories in that school but I want you to have fun and make it worth it Ok baby girl".

Aunt Merida is my mom's friend.Her daughter is my best friend we are going to the same school we always went to the same school.

Her name is Sadie. She is my besets friend. Well we didi know each other for a really long time. Me and her family were a really close friends. Her mom knew my mom for a long time too.

Let's look at Prince's point of view


We just move to New York and I have a new mission now. It's to make my mom happy and not cry. That's the only thing I can do to make it up for her. So at lease I can do this for her.

I am glad that she was aways at my side even if my side is the wrong side. I know that she will love me all the way not other people there.

Once I ask her why does she never gets mad at me even if I am in the wrong .

She said " Because your my son and because you're always in my side too".

I said " But your always in a right side".

She said " Thanks my little Prince, I love You".

I never really understand her she always made me confuse. But I love her any ways.

Anyway first day of school I don't like school but I love the new hot girls that I'll meet. Specially that Ella girl. Maybe I'll just make her fall in love and enjoy it a little bit.

First day of school this is now Ella's point of view of coming to school.


Sadie is at my door we are going to school together. Aunt Merida is at the door I am running late.

Aunt Merida doesn't drop us off but she goes with my mom because she doesn't want to get a car so this is what we do all the time even at the summer she usually drop Sadie in my house then there going to leave early.

Sadie use a skateboard and I use a scoter. I like it much better than a skateboard I fell like I am always going to fall.

Sadie likes it because she is not that girly. I am not too but I still don't like it. We leaf at 6:30 we will probably get there in 7:30. It's not far but will tai and will slow us down.

Since we have neighbor now we saw that that blonde hair that I think in thes ame age as I was my mom Yelled.

"Ella You forgot your lunch " my mom said.

"Thanks Mom" I said.

But there is this guy I think it was that boy's dad said " Elsa can my son go with your daughters?".

My mom looked at me and she "Sure why not, The more the people the more safe they are.

That guy looked at his son and I looked back at my mom she said " Bye Ella".

Then I fell so weird that a boy is with us it's crazy I can't even talk to Sadie about girl things he is in a bike.
Sadie didn't felt weird at all she was fine with it.

Prince point of view

Awww it's the first day of school. Oh well, today I have to come with my dad. Today this is the thing I am complaining. But I didn't know there are more things coming. It all start here.

We were going to the car already and I was waiting for my sisiters but there took a while so we saw Ella and a girl. Then Ella's mom called her then my dad saw her and I know something happend between the two of them. Then my dad wanted me to walk with them so it would be more safe, but I know that he just want me ro be close with Ella and so I can get information out of her. That's not what I am going to do I am going to do what my mom wants.

Can Prince really do that to Ella let's find out what happend in school as the narrator tells the story.

Ella look at Prince really weird like she pissed by him as if he is a bad luck for her. Prince look at her the same way Prince look at Elsa.

Sadie just listen to music the hole time.


They got a little earlie to school maybe because when they were going to school no one was talking or taking their time.

Ella saw Ingrid. Which is the most popular and one of those blonde hair careerladers.
Ella never like her face her attitude or her grades.

Ella always think of her as one of those girls that just cares about boys.

But today Ingrid was different it was the first day she should have a boyfriend around her arms but she look at Prince as if Prince is her next Victum.

Prince look at Ella and Ingrid look at Ella.

Ingrid said this "Ella is he your boyfriend"?

Everyone laugh.

"Who I am kidding Ella you will nevr have a boyfriend cause n one will like you look at you".

Everyone laugh.

But Prince said "Yes she my girlfriend, that's why we walk together we known each other for a really long time.

Everyone was shocked.

Ingrid laugh. She said "Why did you ever ask her out your so cute . Please don't do this to me you belong with girls like me".

Jack smiled "Sorry but my girlfriend is my girlfriend. I love her. I mean I know that I am cute and everything but I am taken".

Jack pulled Ella over his arm. Ingrid was so pissed of she look like she was going to push Ella. But she didn't because she didn't want to be emberass in front of everyone.

"Are you jelouse Ingrid "said Sadie.

"Shut up you stupid brat. You shouldn't be talking you don't even have a boyfriend " said Ingrid.

But this guy named Luke which is Prince best friend just move in New York too.

Luke said "Your wrong she's my girlfriend" said Luke.

But this girl Kimberly said ''Babe What's wrong with you Luke"?

"Hi Kim my new girlfriend "said Luke.

Kimberly broke up with Luke awhile ago. But Luke like Sadie for a long time but he just couldn't do it. Because everyone who ask Sadie out, the answer is alway "NO".

The bell rang.

"Let's go to class babe ". Ella said.

They all went to class Ella and Prince sat next to each other in 1st period.

"What the helt was that" said Ella in a mad way.

''I know you want to get your revenge on that blonde headed girl.I know how you fell. I'll help you".said Prince.

"What's the price" said Ella.

"I'll tell you when I want to do not worry I don't like you. I just need to do something that connects you."

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