After School

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I can't believe he did that in front of Ingrid and everyone.

I am sure you guys all remember about what happened between Ella and Prince before school. Ella was so mad but in the same time happy because she can embarrassed Ingrid and other blonde girls.Also she get to have a boyfriend at least, even if it's just pretend.

Why is my feelings this way ?why do I fell like I kinda like what he did?

"No!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Ella yelled on the way walking to there house with Prince and Sadie.

" Are you Okay Ella" Prince and Sadie said at the same time.

"Yeah I perfectly fine, I am greater than ever. Let's keep walking so we can go home early ". Ella said.

"Okay now what's really wrong with you? You never keep secrets from me Ella". said Sadie in a really low voice.

That voice made Prince think for a while, because maybe there are taking about him some how.

Ella said " Okay maybe something is wrong with me, it's about Prince I mean you know what he did to Ingrid and you know that she will hate me more and more each day that past".

" So what if she hates you does it really matter ? "

"No not really just forget about it . It's nothing that important that you should worry about that much so let's just said that this act is going to be a nice thing".

" Anyway did I told you about that new girl her named is Jamila ". said Sadie

" Wait a minute that name means Beautiful in Arabic. My mom said that, that name was a nice named she was going to name me that because she heard me say a Arabic word so that, but since she didn't name me that I guess sometime must of change her mind ". said Ella.

"Hey what you guys talking about?" ask Prince in a really loud voice.

"Oh about that new girl named Jamila" Said Sadie

" Oh Jamila I heard of her I think she's really quiet. But everyone loves her red hair you know". said Prince .

" Well my house is so close." said Ella.

" Bye Ella,( with a lovely voice, and a beautiful smile)". said Prince.

"Bye Prince". said Sadie

" You know that he like you right Ell?"

" Oh trust me he doesn't''

" you don't know that"

" Don't know what?" Elsa asked

" About Prince" said Sadie

"What about Prince". ask Elsa

"Please go to your bed now Ella and Sadie". Said Anna

" Ok so what if Prince likes Ella does it matter sister?"

" Well Ella is still to young for that Anna. What if she ends up being like me?"

"Well she has a loving mother who will be there all the step of the way".

" You know that's not what I ma talking about you meet the women who gave birth to that Prince. What if Prince is just like her mother? I don't want my daughter getting hurt."

" First of all we don't even know for sure what's going on, and were already jumping to these concoctions."

" Elsa, may I have a word ." said Merida.

"Elsa the house were live in they locked it they gave it away to much richer people. What should I do? There is this family called Westergaard. Do you remember that last name Els?" said Merida

" Of douse I do, that little. Don't worry you can stay here while we can get that trash out of your house" said Elsa

" Thank you Els, by the way I got our cloths at least." said Merida.

" Good news Ella. Sadie and Merida is living here for now" yelled Elsa.

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