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I'm brought back out of the dark parts of my mind when I hear Jeff speak. "We're here."
I look up and see nothing but a clearing hat looks like it hasn't been disturbed for decades. I give him a mildly confused look, and as he sees this he holds out his hand. After a moment of me staring at it blankly, he grows impatient and takes a step towards me, wraps his arms around my waist, and throws me over his shoulder.
Since he's clearly a great deal stronger than I am, I don't see the point in making such a big deal like I would if it were anyone else. And I know what you're thinking: She likes it and she knows it. No. Stop.
He begins walking and, not long after--three steps, maybe-- it feels as if I'm being torn apart from the inside. I ball the white hoodie beneath me in my fists and close my eyes tighter than I probably have in a long while. Jeff seems to have noticed this and pats my back in such an awkward way that, even through my pain, causes me to feel the urge to smile, even after so many years.
The feeling subsides within a few seconds, and Jeff sets me down on the neatly trimmed grass, and I turn around to see where we are. My jaw nearly drops to my knees when I see the four story mansion, made from what appears to be black brick and wooden trim, painted red.
It takes a second for me to notice that Jeff has started walking towards the mansion, and I jog slightly to keep up with him, seeing as how one of his strides are about two of mine. He looks back at me as he places his hand on the doorknob.
In his deep, raspy, and somehow smooth voice, he says, "Um, about my friends," he pauses, seemingly unsure of what to say. "They're a bit..." He stops again. "Never mind, you'll figure it out. Now hurry up, before I get Smile on your ass."
I hesitate, unsure of that he meant by that, but I approach the door that matches the color of my eyes at a moderately brisk pace, and he walks in, barely a foot in front of me. The door seems to close on its own, and I stare at it before continuing through what must be the foyer.
The house is beautifully decorated, just the perfect mixture of gothic and peaceful. After following Jeff for about thirteen steps, we enter a new room, from which I hear a variety of voices, ranging from little girl, to deep and haunting--the kind that feels as if it'll drive you mad if you were to allow it to.
The room goes silent as Jeff stands in the doorway, blocking whatever is in the room from my line of sight. I try to peer around him, but the fucker is so damn tall that it's definitely not going to happen anytime soon, so I stop trying.
The haunting voice is the first to speak. "I was beginning to wonder when you'd return home, Jeffery. What's taken you so long?" I hear Jeff exhale sharply.
"Don't call me that. And I'll explain, just hold on." He glances at me over his shoulder, and pulls me forward by the left shoulder. As I tear my eyes away from him, I look out into the room. The first... Thing... I notice--Fuck, how could I not?-- is at least eight feet tall. It wears a black tuxedo, and its face is paper white. The skin, though, isn't what irks me. Its face has no features. No eyes, no ears, no mouth, and no nose. Though it has no eyes, it seems as if it's... Looking at me.
I try not to show that I'm the least bit shocked, and continue looking around the room. The next one I notice appears to be a boy. By his face I'd say thirteen or fourteen, but his height says nine or ten. He wears clothes like Link, from Legend of Zelda. His hair is blonde, he has pale skin--But he's no match against Jeff or... The other one-- and his eyes. His sclera are black, and the irises are a startling shade of red. Coming from me, it must mean something.
Next, I see a man, about Jeff's height. He appears lean, but slighter that Jeff. He wears a blue mask, the eyes black, with a black goo dripping from them. His pants and sweatshirt are black, and what I can see of his neck is seemingly an ashen grey.
There's a little girl with brown hair and green eyes, clothed in a blood-splattered, pink dress, holding a teddy bear in her left hand. Next to her is a man, about my height, wearing an orange jacket, and a white mask with black eyes, black lips, and black eyebrows. The man next to him is also wearing an orange jacket, with the hood up. He wears a black ski mask with red stitched eyes and a frown stitched in the matching color.
I'm pulled out of my thoughts as I see a large dog hurtling towards me at full speed. Unsure what to do, I move to the side, not yet aware that the dog was jumping for me. Jeff takes the hit, and falls to the floor with the beast.
"Smile, off!" Jeff yells, and the dog-like creature jumps off of him. Now that the dog is no longer a blur of color, I can see that the dog has a deep red underside, fading to black the higher it goes.
I hear a snicker, and I look to see the Link almost-look-alike trying not to laugh his ass off.
"Dumbass," he mumbles, and the dog tackles him as well. Jeff repeats his word in a mocking tone and smirks beneath the carved grin.
"What's your name, child?" The faceless creature says to me. I look up at him. I think to myself, How the fuck am I supposed to explain that I don't speak? He nods. "You don't speak." My eyes open to their full extent and I give him a dumbstruck look. "Don't be frightened, I can hear the thoughts of the others as well. Your name?"
Salem, I think. This shit is creepy as fuck.
"I'm Slenderman. You've clearly met Jeff..." He begins to introduce the others. The one that looks like Link is BEN Drowned, the little girl is Sally, and the man in the blue mask is Eyeless Jack, but they call him EJ. The one with the stitched frown is Hoodie, and the one with the black and white mask is Masky. The dog that tackled Jeff and BEN is Smile. Thank God I hurried through the door when Jeff told me to.
I think, Why did Jeff bring me here?
He replies, "One moment. Perhaps the others would like to hear you. Don't worry, they only hear what you want them to hear." He takes a step towards me and holds his hand over my head. It doesn't feel as if he's doing anything, but he removes his hand soon enough. "Try to tell everyone your name."
I think my name, and I hear a voice saying it. The voice isn't my own. Not the one I used to have, and not the one I imagine I'd have now. It sounds haunted. Damaged. "Salem." I see Jeff smirk in my periphery.
"Awesome," I hear BEN mutter, and I stay silent.
"For what reason did Jeff bring you here, child?" Slenderman asks. I look back at Jeff for an answer, seeing as how I have no idea whatsoever.
He shrugs. "She seems different." And that was that.
Slenderman nods, and holds out a long, white hand. "Allow me to show you to your room." I take his hand hesitantly. It's not warm, but it isn't cold. It's weird.
A few flights of stairs later, we're on what Slenderman tells me is the third floor. "No one lives above you, and only BEN and EJ have rooms on this floor. Jeff has the red door with the black frame on the floor below this one." He opens the polished black door, and inside the room is a four-post bed with a black lace veil, and a deep grey bedspread. The pillows are black as well, and on the far wall is a red, wooden desk, with two drawers on either side.
"Make yourself at home, child. The door on the wall opposite of the bed leads to your private master bathroom. There are towels and toiletries already stocked. My study is on the first floor, past the staircase."
I nod. Thank you, Slenderman.
"Of course, child." And with hat he leaves.
I walk into the bathroom and look around. I see my reflection in the mirror and push my hair out of my face. I look down at my stomach, and pull my eyes away before I'm submerged in hatred. I exit the bathroom and open my bag, pulling out my red pajama pants and grey shirt. I change and decide to just lay on the bed for a bit.
It's so comfortable. Without pulling the covers over myself, I unwillingly drift off to sleep. The last thing I hear is Slenderman's booming voice from the bottom floor, demanding that Jeffery tell him why he brought me here. I hear Jeff yell back at him, though I can't quite make out the words from his deep, raspy voice. Without intending to, I smile. Though not realizing it, I think to myself, He's sexy when he's angry.

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