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I wake up, and for a moment or two, I forget where I am. I forget that my asshat of a father has finally left the plane of the living. I forget the gut-wrenching feeling that I got when I went through the portal to get to where I happen to be at this moment. I forget the other ones. But I do remember Jeff. I remember his voice, his--
There's a knock at my door, and I walk over to open it, only to see BEN.
"Hey, Girly, how're you settling in?" He pushes past me into the room and lays down on the still-made bed. Guess I fell asleep before covering myself.
I don't reply, not because I've forgotten about the voice or because I don't like it, but because it doesn't feel right. What if I'd like to remain mute? Some people just don't want to be heard.
I'm dragged out of my thoughts when I hear the elf-like boy clap. He stands up, and pushes past me to exit the room. "Great talking to you, Girly. Really great." I smile mentally at his voice; nearly prepubescent and dripping with sarcasm.
Soon after, I grab the set of clothes I'm to wear for the day: a Nirvana sweatshirt, black skinny jeans with gaping holes where the knees used to be, and my black Chuck Taylors. I head to the shower, thinking of Pierce the Veil and how My Chemical Romance should get the fuck back together, as I had so bluntly thought to myself.
I leave the room after my hair and teeth are brushed, and I walk downstairs as I vaguely remember the way to the foyer and living room. My memory serves me well, and I find myself alone in the living room after descending the two flights of stairs leading to the floor on which you'd find my room.
I head towards the couch and proceed to take a seat at the far end. I sit there for a few moments, in silence apart from the sound of my own dangerously slow heartbeat. I reach my hand towards my pocket to check the time on my phone, only to realize that I left it up on the bed. I walk to the kitchen to look for a clock. I find one that reads 0527.
Since, to my knowledge, no one besides BEN and I are awake, I decide to make breakfast. I open the pantry and pull out the necessary ingredients, then grab what I need from the refrigerator as well. Roughly fifteen minutes later, I turn around to find myself face-to...diaphragm with Slenderman.
"You didn't need to make breakfast, child. It wasn't necessary," he says in his haunting, and somehow kind and gentle voice. I look up--way up--at him and smile slightly. It occurs to me that this smile--along with the majority of my other ones--is fake. Just hiding what I need to remain hidden.
He nods. "Very well, child. Whatever you're comfortable with." He walks out of the room and in the direction I assume his study is in.
A few minutes later, people start filing into the room. First Sally, who runs up to me and gives me a hug with a huge smile on her bloody, yet adorable little face. Next is EJ, who barely glances at me--which I don't mind. The rest follow suit, besides Slenderman, in a huge mass of people. At least, I'm fairly certain they're people. I'll have to ask Slenderman about that one.
Everyone sits at the table, and there's an empty spot--besides the tallest chair at the head of the table, which I assume is where Slenderman must sit--and I come to the realization that I never saw Jeff come in.
I grab six plates, as well as the stack of pancakes, and set them on the table. I go back to the kitchen and grab the forks, knives, butter, and syrup, check that all of the dishes are done, and go back upstairs before the temptation to eat overwhelms me.
As I'm turning to walk up the second flight of stairs, I bump into something--someone--and I almost fall on my ass. I don't register the information that I never hit the ground until I feel fingers digging into my newer--but rapidly fading--... injuries. I wince and pretend that nothing happened, and look up to see Jeff staring at me with an emotionless face. Or, at least, as emotionless as it can be with the carved grin.
I nod towards the dining room, trying to tell him that there's food. I then proceed to look down at my feet, and I continue walking up the stairs. I feel his unblinking eyes boring into my shoulder blades as I ascend the stairs, and as I go around the last corner, I see the black-haired man leave for the dining room.
I get back up to my room and pull out my ear buds, grab my phone, and sprawl out on the bed. I put in my ear buds and blast the album Three Cheers For Sweet Revenge by My Chemical Romance. I don't know how, but I end up drifting off to sleep again. And for the first time in what seems like years, my dream is different. And not in a good way.

In my pink, knee-length nightgown, I allow my small, bare feet to carry me to Mama and Daddy's room. I get there, and Daddy sounds angry. He's using words that I don't understand, but they sound mean. I don't think I like these words.
It sounds like he hits something, and I hear a thump and a cry of pain. I hear Mama crying, but I don't go in, because Daddy got mad at me for interrupting him like this before. So I wait it out.
Ten minutes later, the screaming stops, and I hear Daddy throwing things around the room that hit the surfaces with a splat. After what seems like minutes of silence, Daddy starts screaming, and it sounds like he's howling like a dog. I've never heard him do that before, and it scares me.
After it gets quiet again, I decide that it's safe to go in, but I'm sorely mistaken. As soon as I step into the rancid-smelling room, my feet touch something wet, warm, and sticky. I look up at Daddy, and he's covered in what looks like blood.
The walls are covered in what looks like guts from a horror movie, and I see a bloody hunting knife on the floor, blending in with the surrounding blood. I don't quite know what's going on. I'm confused. I see a body a few yards in front of me with no head and the stomach torn open, some of the guts still spilling out.
Then I see what Daddy is holding in his hands, and staring at so intently.
It's the head that's missing from the body.
It's Mama's head.

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