
16 1 0

I wake with a jolt, my heart feeling as if it's going a million miles a minute. I sit up on the bed, recalling the memory that my eight-year-old mind enabled me to remember.
I stand up and walk to the bathroom, and I stare at my reflection in the mirror above the sink. I place my hands on the counter, leaning forward slightly. I stare into my own crimson eyes, and for a split second, I see them differently. They appear black. Entirely black. But that moment is gone once I hear a knock on the door.
As I'm exiting the open bathroom door, Jeff walks in. I stand in the doorway with my hands at my sides.
"Slendy sent me up here to ask if you've eaten yet." He casually takes a seat on the bed and lays down, sprawling out on his back. Without thinking, I nod, unintentionally going back to an older habit of lying about my eating patterns. I guess it's true, what people say--old habits die hard.
I check the time on my phone. 0628. Guess I wasn't out very long. I don't notice that Jeff is leaving the room until the sound of the door opening fills my ears. I turn towards the door to see him staring at me. He opens his mouth, as if to speak, then closes it. He looks away and walks out, and right as the door is about to close, he stops, poking his head back in. Gradually, his whole body reappears in the bedroom.
"Do you want to go on a killing spree with me, Salem?" He asks, his unblinking eyes boring into my own crimson orbs. I nod, seeing as how his eyes show curiosity, perhaps as to what my answer would be. He nods once. "Grab a black jacket and a weapon, then come to my door."
He leaves, and I do as he says. I throw on my hoodie, pulling the hood up over my head. I look through my box of blades, contemplating if I should use one of them as my weapon. I shake my head, putting the box back under the mattress.
I walk to Jeff's room, empty handed, and knock on the door quietly. I hear his gruff voice, muffled slightly by the thick, solid wood door between us.
"Come in." I walk in to see that his room is as close to perfect as possible.
The bed is big--at least a Queen, maybe a King--and he has a black comforter with one grey pillow and one blood red pillow. The bed has two posts at the bottom, standing at about Jeff's height. The headboard has an intricate design carved into it that I can't make out in the gloomy lighting. He has no desk or TV, but has a laptop sitting on the black carpet by his bed. There's not much else to look at in his room, besides the ash grey nightstands on either side of the bed.
Jeff walks out from the bathroom, leaving the door open as it was when I had entered.
"Got a weapon?" I shake my head. I hear Jeff mumble something incoherent under his breath, and walks past me into the hallway. I follow him and we soon end up in the kitchen, where he grabs a knife and roughly hands it to me. "Come on," he says in his deep, gravelly voice. "Keep up."
I travel closely behind him as we leave the mansion, and he stops abruptly. I recognize the two damaged trees as the ones that hold the portal between them. I begin walking slowly towards them, but Jeff stops me by speaking.
"You're pure human. You can't go through without one of us." I nod in acknowledgement, to let Jeff know that he had been heard. I turn to look at him as he reluctantly holds out his arm, which I take into my hand.
He begins walking forward and I follow suit, not looking forward to what is to come when we reach the portal.
As we go through, the familiar feeling comes over me and my eyes screw shut. My hand begins to slip from Jeff's arm, and not even half a second before the last finger leaves him, he grabs my wrist, and the feeling subsides within a few seconds. Jeff's hand leaves my wrist and I hear his scratchy voice.
"Open your eyes and follow me. Only four hours left 'til sunrise."
I tear my eyes open and am immediately greeted with darkness. My eyes adjust after a few moments, and I walk quickly to keep up with Jeff's long strides. We walk in silence, apart from the crunching of the leaves beneath our feet.
Within another set of minutes filled by silence, I see a light in the distance, framed by the shadows of low-hanging tree branches.
"Keep quiet. I've never gotten caught, and I'd like to keep it that way," Jeff whispers, barely audible due to his deep and raspy voice.
I nod, though I'm behind him and he can't see me. After following him for a few minutes, he stops in front of a house--two stories, painted beige, no lights on inside. He turns around to face me, having to look down because I come up to only his mid-chest, seeing as he's around six-and-a-half feet tall--nearly a foot taller than me.
"Have you ever killed anyone?" He whispers, his voice dark. I shake my head. "Then," he pauses, "this should be fun." He turns and pulls out his knife, wedging it between the door and door frame to push the deadbolt back. There's a quiet click, and the door opens.
He begins walking forward, and I follow. The house is dark, as predicted from outside. Jeff finds the staircase and he begins to ascend. He holds up his hand at the last platform and peers around the corner. He puts his hand down and makes a 'follow me' gesture. We soon enter a room that has seemingly hundreds of posters on the wall, one of which consists of Mayday Parade. There's a girl--I think, all I see is long, dark hair--sleeping in a bed. Jeff stands direct at her bedside, just staring at her like a creeper. He looks at me and gives a look that says, 'This one's yours' and steps back a couple of feet. I nervously step forward, pulling the knife out of the pocket of my black sweatshirt. Without taking what I'm doing into account, I position the knife right above the prominent vein in her neck, and dig the knife into it as I create a deep, clean line, and blood starts to rise.
Her eyes shoot open, but I put my hand over her mouth before she can scream. I keep eye contact as the light leaves her eyes, and I watch them gloss over, forever open and emotionless. I step back and look over at Jeff.
He continues staring at the girl's lifeless body, and his unblinking eyes suddenly shift to me. He nods once. "Nice work, kid. Next room." He starts walking, going to the next room, where a boy sleeps. He looks about sixteen years old, with dark hair and long eyelashes. Jeff steps forward and mutters, "I'll take this one." Before I can even blink, he brings the knife to light, and plunges it into the skull of the younger boy. A sickening crunch resounds throughout the dark bedroom. I make out the pale visage of Jeff walking to the door, and I follow.
Within a few seconds, we're in another room. I can make out two figures sleeping on the bed, close and covered in blankets. I hear Jeff mutter something, "I've got the left."
We begin walking towards our next victims, and I position the knife over the jugular of the woman. I use the same motion that I used on the girl that might've been the daughter, and her eyes struggle to open. I cover her mouth, my face emotionless as the light leaves her stale, stone grey eyes.
     I look over at Jeff, only to see him writing on the beige bedroom wall in the blood of the man he has just killed. I make out the words, 'Go to sleep...' as the blood starts running down from the letters.
     He turns to face me, slight bloodlust in his unblinking, piercing blue eyes.
     "Had you seen any other doors?" He asks me. I shake my head. "Let's get going then," he says as he pulls two kidney-looking organs out of the stomach cavity of his victim. He shoves them into his pocket, and we begin the trek back to Slender Mansion.


Anytime there is an asterisk (*) at the heading of a chapter, it means that it has been edited. I apologize for the long wait, if anyone even cares. Idk man. This is the farthest I've gotten as far as JTK stories go. Usually I dislike what I've done and delete them two or three chapters in. But I'd love some feedback, and so far there's one vote... Yippee *faux enthusiasm*

Keep it creepy.


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