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     I arrive at the mansion with Jeff barely two hours after we leave. I don't notice as we approach the portal, due to the adrenaline from the murders I've just committed still running through me. I barely glance up at the trees as I pass through them, feeling bearable pain, Jeff still slightly behind me. I see the mansion as I continue walking, but I don't hear Jeff's footsteps behind me. I turn to look at him, only to see that he has a look of shock on his pale face.
     I shrug at him and his forehead creases slightly. "What are you hiding?" He asks me harshly, anger and confusion clear in his tone. I knit my eyebrows together to show him that I'm not sure what he means, and he does nothing but stare at me. After a moment or two, he grabs my upper arm and starts dragging me into Slender Mansion.
     Within thirty seconds, we reach Slender's office, where he 'looks' up at us from the thick book on his dark oak desk. "Can I help you, Jeffery?" He asks drearily, tilting his head at Jeff in a way that says, 'What could you possibly want now?'
     "She went through the portal," he says to Slendy, his grip still unnecessarily tight on my arm.
     "And... What is it that you mean?" Slender asks, less irritation in his voice than before.
     "She passed through the portal, on her own," Jeff says, glancing at me from the corner of one of his unblinking eyes.
Judging by the way that Slender looked at Jeff, I could see that if he had an actual hinged jaw, it would have dropped.
"That can't be. She would have to..." He trails off, his head turning in my direction.
"Follow me, Salem." With that, he ducks out of the room, me following closely behind. Eventually, I hear Jeff's footfalls behind me, both catching up and staying away.
We end up in a room similar to that of an infirmary, and Slender motions for me to sit on one of the beds cloaked with a white sheet. As I do, I catch Jeff's eyes on me, and he doesn't notice that I'm staring at him just as intensely. Our eyes meet and we hold them there, until Slendy tearing a wrapper pulls my attention away. By the time I glance back at Jeff, he's staring at his shoes, kicking the white tile beneath his feet.
A glimmer of light on stainless steel catches my eye, and I look at what Slender is holding. My eyes shoot wide open as I realize it's a needle, and I quickly stand up, backing away quickly while shaking my head. Both of them turn their heads to look at me simultaneously.
"Are you afraid of needles, child?" Slenderman asks, tilting his head to the right slightly. I don't respond in any way as I stare at the faceless man.
You must think I'm joking. I'm not afraid to dig a blade deep into my skin and drag it for several inches, surely drawing some amount of blood, but I'm scared of a tiny sixteen-gauge needle.
Jeff and Slender share a glance, and the tall, faceless man not quite unnoticeably nods. Jeff begins walking towards me, and I keep willing myself to move, but I fight it. I'm not sure why, but I do.
Before I can process it, he picks me up bridal style and carries me back to the bed. I squirm at the sight of the needle, and Jeff ever so gently places his hands on the sides of my face, turning my head away from the needle to look at him. My eyes are probably wide, my porcelain skin even paler than usual.
I see Slender move out of the corner of my eye, and instinctively try to turn my head towards him. Jeff doesn't allow his hands to move even a fraction of an inch, and he looks into my crimson eyes.
"You're okay," I hear him whisper almost inaudibly. "You're alright." I flinch almost unnoticeably when there's a small pinch at the inside of my elbow. "Everything's alright." He keeps his hands there, muttering a few more small, comforting phrases every once in a while.

When the leader of the bad guys sang
Something soft and soaked in pain

It takes everything in me to keep myself from reaching out and touching his face, and as I'm about to give in, Slender's voice echoes through my skull.
"You're free to either go with Jeffery or stay in here while I test your blood for traces of magic, child. Whatever you'd like," he says. With that, he walks out of the room.
There's a minute and a half of awkward silence before Jeff speaks.
"So..." He pauses as he awkwardly moves his hands to rest in his lap, not knowing what to say. He blurts out, "What's your last name?"
I give him the look that I give everyone when they bring up something that requires speaking from my end. He facepalms. I can tell that he's forcing himself to speak to me. It's kind of cute.
I smile and cover my mouth with my right hand, but not before the pale killer catches a glimpse.
"Holy whorestorm, did I just get the emotionless Salem to smile?" My name rolls off of his tongue so smoothly that I blush, and I playfully push his shoulder back an inch. He smiles--a real smile, hidden behind the carved out gasglow grin in his cheeks--and he laughs, one I'd listen to over My Chemical Romance any day. And that's sure as all hell saying something.
The bracelets I'd all but forgotten I'd thrown on this morning shift, making my red-tinted scars visible due to my sleeves being pushed up past my elbows. Jeff's unblinking eyes shift to them quickly, seemingly widening even more before I reposition them.
As he opens his mouth to speak, his eyes still on my arm, Slender walks in. His featureless head turns to me, the sockets drilling into my nonexistent soul.
He starts, "There is something I feel that you might like to know."


AUTHOR'S NOTE: Cliffhanger because I was born to ruin peoples' lives. If I can, I'll update more frequently. But school is back on, and Kellin Quinn's voice is higher than my grades. So I suppose that's it, sorry for the long wait and those to come.

Keep it creepy.


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