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Shadows creep around the corner, the mere look of them sending chills down my spine. I look up, my eyes meeting the full moon high in the sky, the stars are all but missing from the night. My feet can feel the cold stone floor as I cradle my arms to keep warm. I try to remember how I got here, but the only thing that surfaces is an odd figure pointing something at me and a strange purple glow.

The shadows grow towards me, long tendrils seemingly trying to reach out for something. I turn, and I run, my feet making patting sounds on the stone, my breath short and fast, smoky in the cold air. I turn left, looking behind me as the shadow creeps along at an ever increasing pace. I can't hear any sounds from what could be making it, but I know it can't be safe. I make another right turn, then a left, and another left, wishing that I could be home right now in my bed.

I eventually reach a dead end, a giant stone wall, no doors or windows anywhere. I bang on the wall, hoping by some hope a passageway would open. I fall to the ground, tears in my eyes as I turn around, trying to put on a brave face as I try to meet the figure. The moon is shining above me again, illuminating the entire corridor. As the shadows turn the corner, my mind whirling in fear and worry, I open my ears for some kind of sound, but still nothing reaches them aside from the rustle of the trees.

I get confused when I see no figure at the center of the mass, nothing that could be causing these shadows. My breath quickens as the reality of situation sets in, my fists still tapping the stone in hopes of a miracle. My eyes grow in fear as the shadows start to overtake me, starting from the outside and making their way around my body. I can feel my skin and bone turn cold. I close my eyes as my entire being is engulfed in the darkness, screaming for help. I try to move my arms, but they are non-responsive. The scream echoes down the hallway until my ears grow cold too. I feel the cold creep into my open mouth, reaching my inner body.

The fear quickly dissipates from my mind, replaced by multiple other thoughts. I try to open my eyes, but they are now long gone. I can feel the moon shine on me, making me feel colder. I try to move, and I feel others moving with me, as if we all share the same body and mind. I remember nothing of what has happened, but I can feel a warmth quickly disappearing as time passes. As the others move, I move with them, looking for some sign of warmth, the moon light doing nothing to warm us.

We look for another sign of warmth, to feel again.

13 Days of Halloween 2015Where stories live. Discover now