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She can't stop running. Through the burning sunset, she runs, her feet hitting the ground hard as she moves forward with abandon, her heart beat and fast, short breaths the only sound she hears. If one were to look behind her, they would see nothing, and assume that she was running for the heck of it. But she's not, her legs growing ever tired as she pumps them like pistons, gaining greater distance. Her pace seems to quicken despite her tiredness, determined to find something.

She does not notice a picture fall from her pocket, one of the only things she had left to bring. If one were to look at it, they would see her along with two adults, their faces burned away, the dark round burns contrasting the happy face the girl has put on. She's running from something, yet nobody knows why except for her.

Anybody who has taken a closer look would see that she's scared beyond belief. Her big mis-colored eyes have an air of fear in them, her thin lips slightly open show no emotion. Her short hair blows behind her, staying near her neck for most of the time as the wind blows through her hair and whistles in her ear.

Get in the path of her, she would push you aside as if it was nothing, continuing on her way. You couldn't even feel her touching you. Nothing can stop her, yet no one knows where she is headed, not even herself. She's running as the night replaces day, a thin moon rising in the sky. She will run as far as she can, far away, her mind full of fright and demons.

13 Days of Halloween 2015Where stories live. Discover now