Bite (slightly graphic)

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I can feel the large teeth sink into my arm as the wolf's anger filled eyes met mine. Through reflex, I kick it, ripping off some of my clothing and skin, leaving an open wound on my arm. I grabbed it in pain and screamed, as I saw the wolf skid back a few feet, it's paws digging into the ground. It launched at me again, but I dodged the mouth as I held my arm, rolling towards another tree. The grey wolf slammed into a rock, leaving it dazed for just a moment. I took the opportunity to run away, weaving through the maze-like trees and rocks, the bite hurting like hell as I held it close to my chest.

I stop behind a large tree and put my back against the bark in the shadow, my short breaths making small clouds in the cold air. I can hear the wolf's paws crunching the leaves beneath it, the sniffs from it's nose making me feel more on edge than before. I hold my breath, hoping it doesn't pick up my smell, my eyes open with fear as my legs prepare to run again, sweat falling down my face.

After several moments, I can hear the wolf's steps grow ever so softly, until the only noise that reaches my ears is the occasional wind blowing through the barren trees. I peek around the tree and breathe a sigh of relief when I don't see the grey beast. I let go of my bitten arm to find the wound has gotten even worse, opening up to reveal more muscle, coating my sleeves in a shade of dark red. I look around for some sort of pale yellow light from a house, for some kind of indication of where I am, but nothing pokes through the silver smoke. I walk out of the shadow into the dim moonlight, trying desperately to look through the wall of trees but to no avail.

The light of the moon grows stronger as the clouds move from it, the moonlight shining down on me. I grunt as I feel the bite worsen in pain, my mind slowly losing it's focus. I stumble forward onto my knees, as I stare at my blood-stained arm, hoping that it wasn't what I thought. My hopes were shattered as I could feel my skin growing over the cut, a fine layer of fur on the new skin. My eyes widen as I see the same fur grow on my hands, quickly spreading out over the rest of my body.

An unnatural heat soon takes over and I fall over as I feel my body grow, the sound of fabric ripping and bones cracking filling the open air. My breath dies on my throat as I try to keep quiet, though I can feel a weird sensation on my face. I reach both hands to feel it, but a sudden pain stops them in front of my face and I bow over again. I can see them grow out, the skin stretching and my bones getting longer. A scream attempts to come up, but it dies on my lips as I try not to attract the wolf again.

I attempt to get up, to run, but I fall over as my legs start to change too, my growing body too much for them. I can feel them getting stronger, their whole anatomy changing, my feet getting bigger.

The pain becomes too great in my mind, and I try to block it out. I close my eyes as something behind me starts to push at my cumbersome pants, straining the fabric. I try to unbutton them, but my hands are too far gone in order to function properly. Angered and annoyed, I slash at the pants with my new claws, tearing them to shreds. My tail wags freely in the wind, my fur covered legs getting the comfort they deserve.

I hold my head as I look up to the sky and howl, feeling my face stretch out, my nose changing, teeth growing longer and sharper. As I look down my new muzzle, a pain rings through my body again. I grab my gray stomach as I bow over in pain, but instead of it disappearing, it only seems to focus on my mind. I lose all rational thought, being replaced by a feral nature and a lust for the hunt. I try to grasp at my last few strands of my original mind before it completely disappears.

My pain dissipates, and I stand here, wondering how I got into these woods. I stand up on my strong legs, and look at my paws, which look both familiar, yet foreign. A delicious smell soon enters my nose, and I sniff it hungrily. My stomach growls as I get on all fours and run towards the source, the trees whizzing by me as I lick my large teeth.

I soon find a thing with weird fur walking on their hind legs, waving around a small source of light. Without a second thought, I growl at the being, and pounce on them, my teeth sinking into their flesh. A shrill scream enters my ears, and a leg tries to kick me away, but I stay put, my claws digging into their mope of hair. I bring my hind legs forward, knocking it onto the ground before I bite their neck. The being immediately stops, falling onto the ground, dropping the source of light. My hungry eyes momentarily meets their fear-ridden eyes as the light from them fades away. I feast on the flesh and their strange fur as my teeth tear both apart, meeting my stomach in a sense of pure glee.

Before I can finish my meal, another smell enters my nose, and I leave the corpse illuminated by the light to follow it. I find two similar beings, calling out two different names, one tall and a short one. I attack the short one, it's screams soon put out as I crush their chest. The tall one pulls out some kind of weapon, and points it at me. In the light of the full moon, I can see the fear in it's eyes as I pounce on it, a loud bang ringing in my ears.

13 Days of Halloween 2015Where stories live. Discover now