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The following is a recording from a crew member of an unidentified spacecraft, recovered in [REDACTED].

Log Date Whatever

Still stuck here, not sure how I'm still alive. Not even sure why I keep doing these logs, I don't think anybody is ever going to read these. I guess to keep me sane at least? Not much has changed since yesterday, food is dwindling, the ship is running out of fuel, and still no sign of life outside the ship. I think another one of us died, maybe, but I'm not too sure.

God, why'd I get on this cursed ship. We were doing so well too, exploring the cosmos and all that, but then... Jeez, I don't even remember. Somehow we got lost, and the crew have been trying to find someway home, but still nothing. Our radio has failed, and all we got are these stupid recorders, only good for a few minutes of talking. I think we tried sending them out, but since no one came yet, I guess they melted or got frozen or something.

The ship itself, I guess it's doing well enough, it's still stable, but honestly, I really wish it wasn't. The low hums of this scrap heap is really annoying now, and just seeing pure white every single fuckin' day is murder. I just want this to end but I can't seem to be able to.

I don't know why, I barely remember my name, or where I came from, but I can't seem to remember anything before getting onto this ship. Maybe my logs could show something, but this stupid system is so broken I gotta end this one so I can access them. So, this is whoever I am, signing out, maybe for the last time.

Recording ends there. Similar recordings are found by the same subject, and all repeat the same way, asides from the order of words themselves. These recordings seem to indicate a daily amnesia as the member displays no memory of the previous day, only repeating. Earliest recording is not designated as the first one, and so must occur some date after an incident.

Multiple bodies were seen on board, but no blood or any signs of self harm or inflicted harm has been seen. The names have been scratched off, including the name of the ship. Some are human while others are alien in origin. Further study is required to figure out what this means.

13 Days of Halloween 2015Where stories live. Discover now