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You wake up surrounded by darkness. You don't know how you got there, but you try to get up, your head hitting something hard, a loud thump echoes in your head as something falls on your face. You shake your head to get it off, and you push your hands up on the hard, wooden surface. It moves, but only slightly, making more stuff fall onto you. Your breath quickens as you start hitting the top, more of the dusty substance falls on you. You start to yell for help, but your screams fall on deaf ear as you try to kick your bare feet. You start scratching the walls, hopelessly trying to get out, your kicks no doubt bruising your legs, but you don't care. You just want to get out. The noises though echo within your prison, barely reaching beyond the space beyond. The screams, shouts, and bangs only get softer as your breath starts to leave you, a fine line of the dusty substance on your body as you struggle to breath. Your now bloody hands are stuck in the wood, only hanging by the broken fingernails. After what seems like a millennium, the noises stop, and all is quiet.

13 Days of Halloween 2015Where stories live. Discover now