Chapter Seven - Progress Going Backwards

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Emily POV

I woke up crying, long before anybody else did. I looked over at the clock. The green lights shone through the darkness. 3:21 AM. I had a horrid dream. Mark, Bob, Wade, Tyler, my father, and all the bullies at school were saying things I've always thought. Everything, my insecurities were always screaming at me, and the bullies. Everything was swirling around in my head and I needed a way out.

I pried Mark's arm off me and ran into the bathroom. I grabbed my silver friend and went to work. After I was finished I bandaged my right arm, since that's the one I had cut up, hid the blade, and went downstairs to make coffee for all the boys.

Pretty soon they all stumbled downstairs groaning and holding their heads. I gave them all coffee and some aspirin.

"Mark," Bob said "She's a keeper. Don't ever let her go."

"Bob, let it go already, she's just a friend." Mark replied, face red.

I sighed but nobody noticed. Nobody ever does. I rubbed my arm. Mark remembered nothing from last night. "How come you aren't hung over? What happened last night?"

"Nothing happened last night Mark. We played some games and then went to bed." I whispered.

"Where did you sleep?" He asked. "You weren't in my bed when I woke up and I don't remember falling asleep with you."

"Uhm." I didn't know if I should tell the truth or not. "I slept with you, but nothing happened. We were on opposite sides of the bed."

"Oh, okay Goldie." Mark then ruffled my hair and walked away into the living room.

"I'll cook breakfast Em." Bob offered.

"Thanks Bob." I said as Wade followed Mark. I gave him a hug.

"I'm gonna call you my little bug. You're my little bug Em" I smiled up at Bob.

"You'll be my big bug Bob."

He laughed.

Mark POV

I heard Emily and Bob talking in the kitchen. It upset me to no end. Nothing happened between me and Emily last night, but apparently something happened between her and Bob. I almost crushed my mug of coffee.

I went back upstairs and put my fake snake bites back on, cause Emily seemed to enjoy looking at them. I also left my shirt off - I only slept in pyjama pants - and went back downstairs. Goldie and Bob were sitting on the couch giggling and whispering. I almost threw my mug at him. Before I could throttle Bob, Wade pulled me into the kitchen.

"I know you like her Mark."

Emily POV

"You like him, don't you Little Bug?" I nodded my head sadly.

"He doesn't seem to like me though..."

"I don't know what happened, yesterday he couldn't keep his hands off you, and this morning, he's completely distant."

"I know Big Bug, I don't know what I'm gonna do, what do you think?"

"Let's just see how it plays out." As Bob stopped talking, Wade and Mark walked in.

My brain went completely blank. Mark wasn't wearing a shirt and he had his snake bites in again. I smirked. Mark didn't know I had REAL snake bites. I had a job for a little while, and I had gotten them. My father hated them and beat me extra for it, but I loved them.

"Why don't we go out today guys? Walk around, nobody'll be out." Wade suggested.

"Sounds amazing, I've never really been around" I said hopefully.

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