Chapter Forty One - Lost But Not Alone

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Emily POV

I freeze. "Mark, just leave." I said coldly. "This was a mistake." I run back into our room and start quickly taking the dress off. No matter how much I want to hate it, I can't rip it off me. I had to take it off gently and ensure that it was folded and put away properly. I looked for something to wear through my blurry eyes, tears slipping down my cheeks.

How dare he talk to me like I'm a child, or like he owns me. I can leave if I'm too fucking much for him, I didn't ask for him to rescue me! I can understand him being upset but he doesn't need to fucking act like that! Ugh!

I haul on a pair of ripped, pitch black skinny jeans. Stupid asshole. I grab a thin, green, spaghetti strap tank top and put it on, then I wait and listen. I didn't hear Mark follow me back to this room, so I was hoping that he wasn't waiting outside.

I peeked out the door and was glad when I saw no one. I sprinted down the corridor and opened the door to where Jack was staying. Again no one. I was somewhat relieved, but also worried. I hope Mark didn't do anything stupid. I rummaged around until I found a lime green hoodie that belonged to Jack and I slipped it on.

I quickly made my way back to Mark's room and grabbed my makeup before putting on foundation and powder, then mascara and finally tonnes of eyeliner. I made sure I didn't have makeup on my snakebites and I wiggled them a bit. I sighed as I eyed myself up and down. I'm so small its pathetic.

I sneaked downstairs to see all the guys watching some movie in the living room.

They were just upset! God, I will NEVER understand guys. It's freaking impossible. It's barely lunchtime! Is this really the time to have all the curtains drawn like you're a bunch of vampires while watching a horror movie?!

A shudder goes down my spine as I hear a shrill scream come from the TV. It only reminded me of the ones I used to make. I placed my hand on my chest and felt the small bottle that Mark gave me to help with panic attacks and anxiety. It really did help, I was amazed. The side affects of the antidepressants I was taking were shit, but I was slowly starting to feel at least a little better on a day to day basis. Life was still hard and I didn't know if it was going to get much better. I still had one more term of highschool left and I was dreading it. This was the time of year where the school puts off a play in the theatre, seeing as our highschool was pretty artsy. I've always wanted to audition, but I doubt I'd get the part, and if I did, I'd be beaten extra because of it. This year, they where going to put of a production of my favourite Disney movie as a child, Beauty and The Beast. I wanted so badly to play Belle, but I knew it probably wasn't going to happen. I sighed and shoved my hands in my pockets as I walked back upstairs. I winced as my left hand collided with something and cut the palm. I grabbed ahold of it and pulled it out, realizing it was the folded up add for the auditions. I bit my lip as I unrolled it for the last time and quickly scanned over it. I noticed something on the bottom that I hadn't seen before.

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