Chapter Thirty Two - Aftermath

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Mark POV

I woke up in the best mood. I could smell cherries and mint. I felt the smooth skin of her back under my palms and our bare legs were tangled together. I smiled to myself remembering last night. I was on cloud nine.

Oh shit, how loud were we? Fuck! I hope nobody heard....

I heard a soft groan come from beside me and I watched Emily open her eyes. She glaced up at me, as if for confirmation, then she hid her face in my chest and giggled. I could just see one of her cheeks turning bright red. I pulled her up so her face was by my shoulder and I could see her better.

"Why hello there gorgeous." I greeted her, my voice deep and gravely from only just waking up. "I could get used to this." I winked at her. She flushed a deeper shade. I smirked and chuckled.
My smirk vanished. "Th-that wasn't j-just a one t-time thing....was it?" It was my turn to have a stutter and be unsure and anxious. I was terrified of what she would say.

"Well I don't think I can do something exactly like that soon, I'm sore and I don't know how bad it is because I haven't gotten up yet. You were gentle, unlike the....other ones..." My arms tightened around her. "But damn, you're well endowed." She blushed and quieted as she realized that she was rambling and at what she was rambling about.

I had a winning, 100-watt smile plastered on my face, and I didn't know if it could come off. She didn't reject me! "But no, this was definitely not a one time thing." She stated while drawing small patterns on my bare chest. I couldn't take it. I pulled her up so we were face to face and kissed her deeply. She was the absolute best thing to ever happen to me.

"Want some breakfast? I can whip up a nice one, there's some really good breakfast foods down there." I asked her. I wanted her to get the FULL experience if how it should go down.

"Yeah okay." She agreed and blushed some more. I couldn't help myself. I watched her push away from me and sit up. Her hair swished and swayed in messy, loose curls down her back.

Fuck she's gorgeous. She got up shakily and bent over to pick up her bra and underwear. Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck. She's trying to kill me. I groaned. She turned to look at me, her bra in her hands, her thong on.

"What is it Mark?" She asked me, concern written all over her face.

"You're so damn beautiful, but don't bend over like that unless you want another go." I told her. She blushed madly and turned away to slip on her bra. "What's wrong, shy? I've already seen it all." I teased. She huffed and turned to face me. Shit. That was a bad idea. Her hands were on her hips and she was glaring slightly at me. But that's not what was bothering me. She was practically modelling in front of me. That fucking underwear set. She pouted. FUCK. She has NO idea what she's doing to me!

"Stop teasing." She whined. I smiled at her.

"You're beautiful." I told her.

"You've said." She replied. "I should start a count to see how many times you can say it in one day." She said a little sarcastically. I smirked at her. She blushed and looked away. "Do you you have a shirt or something I could borrow?" She asked me.

"Always." I got up and took out my trusty lucky flannel. I walked back over to her and held it out. She didn't take it right away. I cleared my throat "done? Or should I maybe turn a little?" I turned to my right a little to give her a joking side view model pose. She blushed furiously. She took the shirt from me and slipped it on. I watched her do every button up, mesmerized by her. Everything about her was perfect.

"Uhm Mark..." She started. "I think you need pants to go downstairs....I don't think anybody but me would appreciate you going around nude..." She glanced downwards at me. I smirked and pulled her close. I planted a quick kiss on her lips.

I quickly slipped on a pair of loose pyjama pants and watched Emily look at my bookshelf. It was small, but it was still a bookshelf. It was mainly filled with nick nacks.

I snuck up behind her then picked her up and threw her over my shoulder. She squealed and held onto me tightly. I just laughed and carried her downstairs. I patted her bum and sat her down on the kitchen counter. She opened her mouth, probably to scold me, but I winked at her and she shut it and started blushing.

Wade and Bob entered the kitchen loudly. "OOOOOOOOOOO GO GET 'ER!" The cheered as they came over and smacked me on the back a few times. I saw Emily slip out of the kitchen out of the corner of my eye. I let her go, the guys can be a little overwhelming. Guess they did hear...

Emily POV

It didn't bother me so much that Bob and Wade came in. I knew they were joking anyway. I heard a loud crash and then I saw Jack storming down the stairs.

"Was I just a joke to you?!" He shouted.

"No o-of c-course not." I was backing away from him. "J-Jack stop it, you're s-scaring me."

"You think I didn't hear you last night?! Do you have ANY idea of how much that hurt me?!" He pushed me into a corner, up against the wall.

"I-I did have f-feelings for y-you J-Jack, I j-just don't know w-what h-happened. It all h-happened so q-quickly I-" I tried to reason with him, but he cut me off.

"Yeah. That's what they all say. You're just like the rest of them." He snarled and stormed off into the kitchen.

I ran upstairs into the bathroom and locked myself in. Lucky there's two bathrooms... Nobody'll bother me....

I took the case off my phone, then unclipped the back. A blade slid out and I caught it in my lap. I looked down at it, glinting and gleaming in the light with a certain menacing air about it. I shivered. I put my phone back together and sent Mark a quick text.

Hey Mark, I'm
just freshening up
a bit in the upstairs
bathroom, so don't
be startled if you
here music or
anything :P

I had grabbed my small speaker on my way in and I connected it to my phone. I turned it up loud so no one would hear me. You found me by The Frey came on.

"All alone..." I took off Mark's flannel and stared at my body. Ugh its so...just fuck its hideous. I'm obviously just a fuck for Mark. Catherine's way prettier than I am. And probably better.... I started making new cuts to match the old. 10.....25.....40.... I lost track. Lost and insecure you found me, you found me lying on the floor, I didn't realize how many I actually made and I became weak. I dropped the blade and it clattered to the floor it what felt like slow motion. I fell sideways and accidentally knocked my speaker to the ground.

Surrounded, surrounded. Why'd you have to wait....just a little late.

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