Chapter Thirty Six - Tibbs Eve

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Just a quick little note before you start: one of my friends pointed out while proof reading, that some of my spelling errors aren't being fixed in the published copy when I fix them in the draft copy. I want to apologize for any inconvenience this is causing and I'm trying to fix the problem, but it's extremely frustrating, so your patience is appreciated.


I woke up and glanced at the clock. 11:23. Nice. Should probably get up though. I pushed back my covers and went over to my suitcase to grab a sweater. I pulled a grey one out and something fell out of the sleeve and rattled across the floor. I bent down and picked it up. SHIT! I quickly hauled on my sweater and ran out the bedroom door.

I got to the living room and saw Jack and Wade talking about some TV show.

"Guys where's Emily?!" I asked frantically.

They both turned to look at me strangely. "Isn't she still in bed?" Wade questioned.

"I don't know, I just got up! I've got-" I paused. I couldn't tell them what was wrong. "-I've got something I uh...need to tell her."

Great job Bob. They're totally gonna believe that.

"Okay..." Jack said slowly."Whatever you say... she's in Mark's room. I dare you to go and get her." He said angrily rolling his eyes.

"Thanks Jack." I went back upstairs and knocked on Mark's door. I heard low mumbling and then the creak of footsteps. The door opened and there stood Mark, but he didn't look angry like Jack implied he would.

"Everything okay Bob?" He asked, slightly concerned.

"Uhm yeah, can I just talk to Emily real quick?"

"Uh sure." He turned so his back was to me and said something to Emily. "Just be sure to bring her back." He said jokingly as he winked. I just chuckled.

As soon as she appeared in the doorway I hauled her quickly to the bathroom and locked the door.

"What's wrong Bob?" She asked. She looked tired and worn out.

"You haven't been taking your pills Emily." I said.

"Oh shit I totally forgot..." She started looking panicky and really worried.

"I have them right here" I held up the small bottle.

"Oh Bob you're a life saver, thanks." I watched as she took one and handed me the bottle back. "Can you still hold onto them? I don't want Mark to see them....he'd just get more protective, it could start more fights and...." She trailed off.

"Its not your fault Emily. Everyone loves having you here, and we're all glad that you're not at that house anymore. You're one of us now, whether you like it or not." I said seriously, joking the last bit. She giggled.

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