Chapter Twenty - The Fight?

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Mark POV

Emily had seen Catherine kissing me. I had tried to push her out the door, but she backed against a wall and kissed me. Then when I tried to apologize to Emily, she came with me. But when I got back to everyone, she was just sitting in Jack's lap! So I let Catherine sit in mine. I really hated her, but Emily hated her so maybe I could make her jealous...

I noticed her moving out of the corner of my eye and I saw Jack turn to ask her what the matter was, when she kissed him. It all happened so fast, one moment she was kissing him and the next he was lifting her up and taking her away. I swear to god if he does anything...

Emily POV

After I had calmed down a bit, I took a chance and looked up at Jack.

"Hey Kitten, are you feeling better?" He asked me.

"Not really....Jack?"


"Can I wear your clothes instead of Mark's...." I looked at him with pleading eyes. All I could smell was Mark's cologne.

"Of course Kitten." Jack said with a small smile. We both got up made our way out to where Jack's bags were on the couch. He lifted them up and carried them to the back room. "I think you should sleep in here from now on, Wade and Bob are sleeping in one room, I know Mark's sleeping in his room but we don't know what's going on with him, and I can always sleep on the cou-" I interrupted him before he could get anymore out. I didn't want him sleeping on the couch by himself! And I doubted I could sleep alone. My nightmares would tear me apart.

"-please sleep back here with me. Please, I don't think I could sleep by myself." I begged.

Jack looked like he was struggling with himself. He started to ruffle through his bag and pulled out a pair of sweats and a hoodie and threw them at me, then took out a pair of pyjama bottoms. He let out a deep sigh. "Alright Kitten." I jumped up and hugged him. "Both turn around?" I nodded and turned my back to him and quickly put on his clothes. When I turned around he was in his pyjamas facing the wall.

"I'm done" I said softly.

He turned back around to look at me. "Why don't we go get some food?" He asked me. I nodded solemnly. I felt hollow, like a shell. I felt something warm slid into my hand as I stood looking at the wall. I glanced down and saw a hand in mine. I looked up and Jack was smiling softly at me.

He's so sweet...

I followed him as he gently tugged on my hand, leading me to the kitchen. I sat on one of the chairs and watched Jack start making grilled cheese.

After a while, we heard footsteps and laughing. Bob and Wade entered. "We smelt grilled cheese!" They exclaimed. I smiled slightly at their childish antics.

Jack chuckled "I'm glad I made enough for everyone then." He said. He put grilled cheese sandwiches on plates and handed them out to the three of us and we started munching away. I was almost finished when Jack took out a plate and laid more sandwiches down in the middle of the table.

"Aww yes! Jack you're the best!" Bob said as he took another, along with Wade, and laughed.

Me and Jack froze as we heard high pitched giggling and a deep chuckle. I looked at him pleadingly. "Kitten I can't do anything, it's his house..." He whispered in my ear as he laid another sandwich on my plate.

"Jack I can't-" I stopped when he gave me a pointed look and I picked up the sandwich. Damn him and his cuteness...and sandwich making skills.

I huffed and started eating as Mark and The Mega Bitch came in. Mark just started at Jack lent over by me for a moment and stiffened up.

"Jack. Can I speak to you please." Mark said coldly.

"Sure Mark, no problem." Jack got up smoothly and winked at me, trying to make me feel better as he left me alone with Her. I tried to ignore her, but she clicked her tongue and scoffed.

"What." I asked icily.

"Nothing." She replied snobbily. "Its just that you're eating that trash. Its disgusting. You're sure to gain more than a few pounds." She sneered. "Not like you needed them...but oh well." She said airily.

I'm going to rip out her stupid earrings.

I just sat and tried to ignore her. I gritted my teeth. "I don't see why Mark lets you stay here. You're filthy. I can't believe it. And you're not even remotely pretty! I see no appeal, unless it was purely a 'friends' with benefits." She stated matter-of-factly. I growled and stood up so fast my chair tipped over.

"Listen here, Bitch. You don't have to work for anything, and have never had a hard day in. Your. LIFE. Oh whoop dee doo you chipped a fucking nail, big deal. It's not the different between life and death! You don't struggle every day!" I started to raise my voice, getting extremely pissed off at her. Jack was right. It's not his house, but it wasn't hers either.

She scoffed. "Back up you dumb whore, you're too close to me." She looked down at me like I was gum on her shoe. I lost it.

I pushed her up against the wall. "Listen. To. Me. Get the fuck out of here before I lose my shit." I eased up on her, giving her a chance.

"Oh please, you're so small, I bet you can barely lift a plate." She rolled her eyes at me. Oh bitch, its going down.

I turned away, as if I was going to walk away from her, and she sneered. "See? You're so weak you can't even-" she couldn't finish. I didn't give her a chance. I swung my fist as hard as I could and made contact with her jaw and she let out an ear piercing scream.

"See?" I mimicked her "I had to grow up fending for myself. I won't pull your hair, or scratch at your face. I aim to break bone. I fight to stay alive."

I heard a bang and turned around to see the door wide open. I made eye contact with Mark, he looked down at Mega Bitch, then back up at me. For a second he had a look of 'oh what'd she do now' but then it vanished and was replaced with pure rage.

"WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU?!" He screamed. I started backing up, he was moving closer and was scaring me.

"If you had heard what she said-" I tried to reason, suddenly terrified of the man I used to care for greatly.

"-OH BULLSHIT" He interrupted me. "THAT'S FUCKING BULLSHIT." He bend down and scooped Catherine up. "You can stay here, because you have no where to go, but don't talk to me." Mark said, with venom laced in his voice. I sank to the floor as Jack raced over to me and Bob and Wade ran into the room.

"What happened to Catherine?" Bob asked.

"Emily." Jack responded, holding in chuckles. I looked up at him and he burst out laughing.

"Oh nice one Emily!" Bob exclaims and Wade started laughing.

"Yeah, she had it coming!" Wade said through bursts of laughter. I was relieved they didn't have the same reaction as Mark did. I felt Jack pick me up and start carrying me.

"Jack I can walk-" I started.

"-But I like carrying you." He replied. Bob just chuckled and wade gave Jack a knowing look. I was helpless as Jack carried me into the living room and at down with me in his lap. Bob sat bedside us as Wade popped a movie in. He sat on the other side of us.

"What're we watchin'?" I asked.

"Finding Nemo." Bob replied, completely seriously.

I started giggling and was about to ask why, until Mark came back in with Catherine strutting in behind him. He sat down in the extra chair and she sat in his lap as the movie started.

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