Chapter 6: Time and Time Again

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Jimmy Casket cut the ropes off of Ghost's chair. "Be free, my sweet angelic masterpiece!" he said with sarcasm.

Ghost growled. "I don't need your attitude," Casket pulled up a stool and sat in front of Ghost. "I untied you because I feel like we don't....connect when you're all tied up and gagged, you know? Anyway, I'm not one to spoil the movie, so I'll say the bare necessities, alright? Good."

"So, to make a long story short, you don't do very nice things to me after this. Nope, you don't. But yet, you do me the best thing you could ever do. And that makes me bittersweet. You see, look at me right now; I'm a mediocre murderer, I have no power. Sure, I seem confident but really," Casket sniffed. "I'm i-insecure...

"Jokes aside, that certain power you give me allows me to haunt your soul and mind, control you, make you my possession. That's music to my ears. But why just let it all happen the way it's supposed to? I want to have fun. If time stayed the way it did, it would follow like this; You would life a happy life until you meet a girl, get busy, have a kid or two, your partner gets cancer, your wife dies from a ghost, ironic isn't it, and you get back into the ghost hunting business, but without your partner because he's dead." Ghost looked down. "Wow..."

"This is fun to tell really because the next part is called time travel, and guess who gets to try it out?" Casket pointed a finger at Ghost. "This lucky man in the rags! Yes, good job sir, you go back in time and murder me!" Casket's face fell. "And that's just real melancholy, I must admit. Killing a kid. What a monster. For shame, John Ghost!" he said, and then he backhanded Ghost. Rubbing his face, Ghost shook his head. "I wouldn't kill a kid. Even if it was a boy like you." Casket went into hysterical laughter. "If only you knew."

"Alright, I've said enough. Anyway, here's what I want. I want the power without the death because when my mind is lost in yours, I can only control you and the others around you. But if I had the power and I had my physical form, do you know what kind of havoc I could ensue? It just gives me chills thinking about it. But that's impossible; somebody has to kill me. And it has to be a spirit. Because at will a spirit can bring me back to life, power and all. Grand, am I right? So I've heard a lot about your previous adventure and Honeycomb..."


"Hallhoney, what ever. That stupid place. Well I shouldn't say stupid because those...things you fought? Did you ever think to discover what caused them to be? I bet someone told you Satan sent the souls back to Earth...what a cheesy joke. But seriously, guess who that was? It was me, John, it was me. And I used time travel which exists in the future to travel back in time as a spirit, since you killed me, and create those monsters...those 'Benders'...they were beautiful, yes, but it didn't work. You recited that chant or phrase to kill them and just really pissed me off on that one, I'll admit. Funny how you kill a guy but you don't tick 'em off until you murder his creations. Once again, anyways, time has been written. You'll grow up to get hired to go back in time to kill me as a child before any of this," he said, gesturing around the place, "is real."

Ghost rubbed his head with his hands. "This is extremely confusing. I must have...must have failed then, right? If you're still here but you say I killed you as kid years ago, I must have-"

"Succeed, yes. You did. And then I died. And then you retired. That's the way it could have worked. But I stopped that way. Because when you shoot me, I haunt you, and you die too. But if you died, without spoiling the story, a nuclear bomb kills everyone. Haha. But if you kill me and I possess a different body, you would survive. And then I could use a spirit to come back. But where do I find a spirit?"

"I haven't gotten that far. For now, I won't mess with time. I won't. I'll let things happen. Goodbye, I will now leave you to your thoughts." and with that, Casket closed the door, sealing Ghost in darkness once again.

Aimee and Toast were standing at a deserted house covered in fog, cobwebs and bugs. Aimee knocked on the door, but the door fell off it's hinges and landed on the floor inside, creating a cloud of dust. "Lovely place indeed," Toast said. "So this is the house that Jeremy is in?" Aimee nodded. Walking inside cautiously. Almost instantly, a painful scream hit his eardrums. It sounded like an adult, but with a warped, shrill voice. The house shook; another scream. Aimee gulped. "The man," she said. "He is en colère, angry." The house rumbled, a dusty vase crashing to the bug-ridden floor. Toast recoiled. "Why couldn't he be in a mansion or something..." Aimee gasped and pointed at a rusty door near the living room. "That's the basement door," she said. "That's his...lair."

The Acachalla man's child, Sally, poked her head into the door. "Ok, I've looked into the house. It's scary. Can I have candy now?" She said. Toast turned around. "No Sally, our deal was you have to get Jeremy out and then getting Skittles, remember?" Sally nodded. "C'mon, it's scary, but hold my hand." Aimee said. The three opened the door carefully, and were met with a reek that smelled of mud and old meat. Tiptoeing down the broken staircase, the thing screamed again, seeming to get closer. The house shook again, this time causing the door behind them the shut close. Sally yelped.

They had no choice but to walk down the stairs.

The Honeyhall Legacy by JustjackbrosWhere stories live. Discover now