Chapter 11: The Honeyhall Legacy

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Everything froze. Everyone froze. Ghost was in his mind palace.

Everything around him was black and white, still in his own time. When Ghost thought, it was fast, and it made everything else seem slow motion.

Alright, Johnny Ghost, think. We need to make this fast, Toast is dying. He knew what he had to do; go get the remaining guns and use the remaining machetes in the room he was in right now. I'd have to run back, get the guns, rush back and shoot the beast. But the bender will have crushed these two already. I can't leave this room. I have to send Aimee. He looked over at Aimee, clutching his arm. I need to get her out of the way. Sally will give her the machete, she'll throw it to me, I'll fight off the bender, she'll run out of here, and Sally has too...hide in that hole.Perfect. He was done thinking. Although it was a lengthy thought, it was a half second in real time. Things warped into color and speed.

Now, the bender was charging at Ghost and Aimee, Sally screaming. Here it goes. "Aimee, go get the guns!" Ghost said, throwing Aimee to the side. Ghost looked up and braced for impact. With a big thud, the bender slammed Ghost into the wall. He couldn't breath, and the bender was snarling in his face. "Prepare for eternal pain, mortal" it growled. It raised it's monster fist and it-

-screamed in pain. Sally had thrown the last machete into the side of the bender's head. It was sticking out of the side of his eyelid. The bender was frozen. Then, with a twitch, it dropped Ghost to the ground and it stumbled around, lethargic. It moaned, trying to shake of the pain, and then Sally had an idea. She ran like lightning up to the stumbling bender and hopped on its arm, then its back, and finally sat on its head. "Show time!" Sally cried, and she removed the machete from the bender's head. She raised it over her head, and dropped it back down, this time on the top of its head. The bender cried out again, shaking all about trying to get Sally off. Over and over again she took out the blade and thrust it back in, sending dark blood everywhere. This was Aimee's chance to go. She bolted out of the room while Ghost had his eyes on Sally. This isn't what I was expecting, but it's perfect.

Sally let out one last victory scream, and then pulled out the machete. She jumped up limbs flailing, and landed the bender's forehead, blade tearing the head off its hinges. Ghost grimaced as Sally landed on the floor as the giant head fell to the ground, and a fountain of crimson sprayed out of the neck. With one last distant defeated groan from the severed head, the body fell to the ground. Ghost was staring in awe, but Sally was over her head with joy. She danced around, picking him the bender's head and tossing it around like a basketball, which Ghost had to remove from her because it was disgusting. The blood drained through the cracks in the walls and ground, and within a very short time the body and head dried up, and crumbled away like magic. Gone.


Aimee looked into the hallway of many doors. "Oh no," she gasped. "Which one has monsieur Johnny Toast? I have no time!" she said, looking around hysterically. "This one?" she said, opening the first door the right. A skeleton dropped out of a storage closet, along with a broom and a case of beer. It crashed on the floor. "What a mess. Oh where is he?" She checked the one next to it; an empty closet. The one left to that one was a bedroom filled with empty cans, pizza boxes, empty beer bottles and a stained, shaggy bed. She shut it and checked the last one to the right, which was a staircase leading down to something awful, she assumed. She didn't dare go in there. "Last one, I oh so hope it's right!" she said. She carefully opened the door that was to the left of the hallway, and gasped. There was Johnny Toast, lying on the ground. It must have been thirty minutes because the device and fallen off and Johnny was now bleeding out. Aimee yelped and tore off a piece of her shirt and wrapped it on the wound. "Johnny, Johnny, Johnny!" she said, crying. No answer. "Oh no," she said. Toast lifted his head up at her. " found me, where is...Johnny...Johnny Ghost? Sir?" he asked. She smiled. "Oh thank heavens, you're alive! But you'll die soon. We must get you medical attention!" she said. Toast dropped his head back down. "It's too late," he said. "I-I won't make it. I've done what he wanted me to do, t-though. I've helped him destroy the machine." Aimee looked over at the broken heap of metal in the center of the room. "Why destroy it? You might have gotten rid of that horrible man, but then we could go back and time and help you from getting shot!" Toast was silent. "That's what C-Casket did...He saw that he would fail, so when he u-used the time machine to go back and ask that man where we lived, he l-lied. He really went back to the moment after we destroyed it, and he shot me. He's g-gone now, I-I should have done something...." he whispered. Aimee shook her head. "No, it was inevitable, monsieur, messing with the times like that is dangerous work!" and with that, she cared for Toast as much as she could, trying to keep him alive.

The Honeyhall Legacy by JustjackbrosWhere stories live. Discover now