Issue 10 - The Master's Plan

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Previously, in Heroic:


Issue 1

    ~ Regeant: "Do you trust me Michael?"

Michael Deviantis - blackmailed into blowing up the Lawman’s Fair - was stopped by Regeant, The Undying Man. 

    ~ Michael: "Maybe... I will - someday."

In the end, he blew Regeant up instead!

Issue 2

Mason Brown (aka Regeant) awoke in the apartment of Alice Everwood; a journalist. After a heated discussion, he fled the apartment.

    ~ Regeant: "I have a train to catch..." 

Issue 8

Having followed Master of Arms onto a cruise ship, Regeant ran into Alice again, and they danced under the moonlight.

    ~ Alice: "It’s pretentious of you to assume I’m some ‘dainty, fragile little girl’." 

She was then abrubtly escorted away by the very man Regeant was pursuing.

    ~ Master of Arms: "I'm the man who's going to give you the biggest scoop of your career, mhmm."


And now...

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Alice Everwood followed her seedy looking escort down into the lower levels of the ship, taking care to step with poise and grace. As far as she was concerned, her ability to walk with such control was a downright achievement, given the unreasonably high heels she was wearing. She hated the damn things - but hey, they helped get her onto the boat.

“Not, ah, not much farther now, my dear, no, no,” said Master of Arms, who’d been unexpectedly quiet for most of the walk.

“Sure,” she replied.

Alice eyed the four guards that accompanied them, scrutinising their heavy weaponry and suits of riot-gear. Balaclavas obscured their faces completely, and their one-piece goggles had such a dark tint that only reflections could be seen in them. Not one of the guards uttered a single word as they descended the red carpet stairs with robotic-like precision.

They gave her the creeps.

The party stepped down into a corridor lined with olden-style candles (no doubt electrical made to imitate oil lights) and room doors of varnished wood. A golden plaque sat fastened to the wall opposite the stairwell landing.

“Portman’s Walk,” Alice said, hoping Mason could still hear her through whatever gadget he’d stuck in her hair. “Is this ship really so big they have to give each hallway a name?”

MOA glanced at the plaque as he passed under it. “Oh, well - well yes, it is a rather big ship, after all, mmhmm.”

He led them to the end of the corridor where there sat a large, heavy looking door emblazoned with golden murals. The artistry depicted groups of men and women on their knees, bowing to a naked man who appeared to have the sun for a face. Rays flowed out from his body in waves, pulsing and disintegrating those bowing to him.

The Undying Man - Heroic Vol.1Where stories live. Discover now