Issue 11 - The Weight of the World

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Previously, in Heroic:


Issue 1

'For Skyview was a weak city, and its weakness had grown from its perilous reliance on superheroes.'

    ~ Regeant: "I suppose I could hand you over to The Department.

                          I happen to be on very good terms with The Chief."


Issue 5

David bailed on his first date with a girl named Sherri, just to try and save a woman in a white dress from a bunch of bikies who call themselves 'The Animals'... what a fool!

    ~ David: "My name's David. My entire family is full of badges, and I am a dish-pig at Te' Avante."

Unfortunately, David's heart makes their escape all the more difficult.

    ~ Jane: "You have an arrhythmia? Tachycardia?"

    ~ David: "We're fine here. They won't know where to find us."

    ~ Jane: "No they won't. But he will."

The two runaways are apprehended by the their leader, Kingdom.   

    ~ Kingdom: "Stu-pid. Bohy."

                          "Bring me the cannon."

A gun to the back of David's head, he took a final breath and accepted his death.

'But it was worthit. Right?'


And now...

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Why do I ever have to stop dreaming?

Why do I have to wake up and face reality?

I wanna' stay lost, up in the sky - where my dreams are.

I lose myself - up there. For minutes, for hours at a time. Every moment I can get.

Up there I'm free. Up there... I'm safe.

In the sky, where the sun's warm.

Up there I'm warm, I'm protected, and safe.

Reality scares me. I’m afraid it’s going to drag me down.

But... why? Why am I so afraid to come back down?

Maybe I'm scared that if I have to come back down - down to the ground - and face world; I won't be ready for how cold it is.

Because it's so cold down there, when I wake up.




I don't ever want to wake up.


    A sudden, bright light engulfed David’s vision. It was white and warm, and ensnared his sense of being.

    What was this shining essence? This thing of humbling purity that called out to him, took hold of him, and pierced his very soul? Was this it? Were these the white gates - the final light at the end of the harsh, grey tunnel that had been his life? Was this death - the warm embrace rewarding wayward souls whose journeys had ended? It definitely felt like death; for his body didn’t feel still as much as it felt non-existent, like he couldn't move even if he wanted. And yet, rather than feel trapped, he felt at ease.

The Undying Man - Heroic Vol.1Where stories live. Discover now